13. Sick Joke

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Lily woke up not recognizing her surroundings and feeling unusually cold

Did she fall on the floor, no that can't be right there's no mattress anywhere

She looks around the stone room for any clues to where she was

She starts to fumble around pressing her back against the wall a little shaky and pushing herself up with all her strength which for some reason took a lot of her strength

She stood up shaking. Why did she feel so weak? And where on earth was she?

She felt around for a light switch and found one near what she assumed was a small table

She switched on the light, as light flooded the room she had to blink a few times to get used to the new brightness

She heard her before she saw her, she saw her laying on the floor asleep dressed in light blue jeans, a white T-shirt and her brown hair up in a side pony tail.

She looked so peaceful, she was even snoring softy. Lily tried to remember where she had seen her before but it was all a haze and when ever she pushed she would feel a sharp pain in her head

She turned around and bumped into a large table she could have sworn wasn't there before with two chairs on opposite sides facing each other

"Well take a seat" a man's voice from the corner of the room said.

She felt like there was something very important she needed to remember about this guy. She sat on the cold metal folding chair and indicated for him to sit down as well. After all it'd feel weird if just she was sitting.

The man sat down on chair before saying "I'm sorry I have to do this. But for my safety I'm going to ask you don't resist." He finishes right as chains come up from the table and lock her arms in place

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!?!?!?!" She yells at him already trying to stand up and get out of the chains but feeling weaker by the second as if the very chains were the ones draining her energy

The man looks very disappointed almost as if she were a child and got caught stealing cookies from the cookie jar.

"Lily please calm down. I told you not to resist I just came here to talk." He sighs running his hand through his hair bored of this conversation already

"Look I'm trying to help you. Do you want your memories back? I can only give them back while in the dream. But that's better then nothing right?" He rationalizes with her but rolled his eyes and leaves the bored expression on his face

"Fine!" She grits her teeth and sits back down "How are you going to do it?" She sends him a death glare that would send him 6 feet under if looks could kill

She looks around for any way she could escape when her eyes land on the girl. Where did she come from? Did she fall asleep or was she knocked unconscious? Is she here by free choice?

Who is she? And why does she look so familiar?!

The guy in front if Lily chuckles "Don't worry I'll answer all your questions very soon" he says standing up and walking over to Lily's chair grinning wildly.

She starts to struggle against the chains or at least move the shake the table so she could use that to her advantage but for some reason it seemed bolted to the floor

He pokes her head and then just stares at her while Lily looks at him confused "Umm was something supposed to happen?" Lily asks calming down she looks back at the girl sleeping on the floor "I don't remember anything new..."

The guy starts laughing hysterically and holding his stomach, he puts his pointer finger up telling her to give him a minute "haha... you haha... take me... to seriously haha" he says laughing already out of breath

"Wha...? But... I thought..." their eyes meet at the same time the handcuffs come off and her brain floods with a thousand memories

"YOU ARE SUCH A STUPID IDIOT!!!!" She yells at him and starts laughing with him "I can't believe I was actually scared of you" they both start laughing again as she stands up and gives him a big hug "what happened why did you leave us? Amy got... Amy... AMY!!!!!" Lily turned around and ran to the sleeping girl

"I figured you'd like to see her..." he walks up to her shoving his hands in his pocket

Lily shakes Amy a little as he puts his hand on her shoulder "She won't wake up..."

Lily looks at him horror struck "Why the hell not! And don't you dare sugar coat it!"

He sighs "Because he has her on a drug" he looks away from her at the ground at if it holds the answers to everything "As long as she's on that drug we can't get through to her spirit and he controls her when she's awake... the ultimate bait"

Lily tries to stand up on her jelly legs but failed and falls against the cold concrete "No no no no no no you're lying! That can't be true!" She looks at him almost pleading "please tell me this is just one of your sick jokes" she closes her hands in a fist already afraid to hear the answer

"I wouldn't joke about this Lil and you know that" he sits down next to her and pulls her into a hug rubbing her back as she cries harder into his shoulder probably ruining his shirt "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry our life is just one sick joke after the next I'm sorry I can't do anything to help I'm sorry that you lost your memories and I can't do anything about it."

Lily feels a cold drop drip on her neck and feels it's her turn to comfort him "it's okay Eth..."


Hehe I updated!!!! Remember to vote if you think it deserves it and comment! Comment what you think, who you like, what you think is gonna happen, anything would be great! And lastly thank you guys for just reading my story

Have a nice life and see you next time (hopefully) :)

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