4. What's 2+2?

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On the drive over, Lily was a nervous wreck. She started playing with her hair and occasionally frantically laughing. Her mom even looked at her anxiously and asked "Are you sure you're okay? We can always go another time."

Lily flat out lied and was pretty sure her mom knew it. "I'm perfectly fine. I feel ready to take on the world." She hugged herself. Was she really going to be okay?

She's not even completely sure what happens at school. What if she fails this test or they find out she doesn't know anything? What if they think....? Was she over reacting?

Her thoughts were interrupted when they arrived at the school. It had big blue letters rimmed with black saying "East Coast High"

It had a big gate around it making her feel like she was entering a mental hospital. Maybe that's where they were secretly taking her. Why did she trust them? She doesn't even know them.

When they got past the gate, she saw a big lawn full of lush green grass and a few trees here and there. She sat in awe, all trace of nervousness gone. This school is gorgeous! She shouldn't be nervous.

Her mom looked at Lily and saw her excitement growing "Don't get too excited we're stopping at my job." Lily's expression dropped impossible fast. Her mom could almost feel how miserable she was. "I'm kidding! You didn't have to take it that seriously"

Soon they got out of the car laughing uncontrollably until they saw a lady in front of them with a stern face. They sobered up really quick. The lady gestured to follow her and only looked back once to make sure they were there.

They took a few turns and soon they were at the office. There were a few students coming and going. Some looked like they might have just finished detention. Others looked like they were going to keep studying elsewhere.

The lady that led them this far, studied them both up and down. Lily now understood why Olivia was so concerned about how she looked. This was the first test of getting into this school. She had to look like she belonged here. She tried to straighten her outfit and hair to look more presentable and hoped she'd pass.

The lady finished her inspection, a ghost of a smile on her lips when she noticed Lily trying to fix herself.

"Come this way, you'll be meeting with the principal after you take the test so we may gather your other documents and necessities we need in order for you to enroll here"

She stopped in front of a room and opened the door "This is where you'll be taking your test. I wish you good luck"

Lily stepped into the room and saw only two desks. One was a big desk with a teacher sitting in it. While the other was a students desk in the middle of the room.

This must be the room for people they think are cheating she assumed by how empty the room was. Lily sat in the only empty seat and the teacher handed her a test without a word.

She looked at the top of the page and saw big black marker that said "math" She wrote down her name and started reading the first question. "Find 31.7% of X-8/y+12=45" How on earth was she supposed to know that??? She didn't even know where to start.

She looked at the rest of the questions, but they all looked as confusing as the first. She groaned already knowing she was going to fail the test and probably the rest too. How did she expect to take a test with no memories?

This was pointless but she tried to figure it out and scribbled down answers that she didn't even know how she got. By the time she got to the last question; she hated every teacher that thought tests were a good idea.

She read the question over and over. She knew this was supposed to be a joke question but it irritated her. "What's 2+2?" She wanted to walk out right that second and never come back.

She decided to leave it blank and turn it in. As soon as she did, she let out a sign of relief. Finally it was over! Freedom is near!

Her brief moment of relief died when the teacher put another test in front of her. This one read "Science." She failed that much like she did the last one and her patience was running thin.

When she finished, he handed her yet another stupid test! She did two more tests that she knew she failed, called "History" and "English" until she got a test that she could actually do!

Lily's hope escalated through the roof. This was a special test to see which languages she knows. So it had different sections sporting different languages. She wasn't sure how, but she felt good about them all, like she might have passed it. She turned in the test and the teacher raised his eyebrow up noticing the change in her mood. He dismissed her, letting her finally feel free. She practically skipped out of the room into the principals office sitting next to her mom. They stopped talking when she got there. Even her new mother looked a little nervous.

Her mom said to Lily slightly relaxing "We thought it was best if you filled out your personal information yourself and you will need to give the school a blood sample while you're at it. I already gave him your birth certificate so you don't have to worry about that, but once you're done you'll officially be in your junior year!"

Lily paused for a second how did she get her birth certificate. If she had that she would know how old she is, when her birthday is, and maybe even her last name.

All that was on it that hadn't been answered was if she had any allergies. She put down "none" hoping that was true, then the school nurse stuck a needle in her arm.

Most people look away, but she couldn't turn her head. It barely pinched her and watching the vile fill up with her blood was fascinating. Especially how the blood seemed to simmer, then all of a sudden it started boiling with a ton of bubbles and exploded.

The glass shards somehow completely missed Lily and seemed to attack the nurse. Lily panicked when the nurse started screaming and instinctively she closed her eyes. A warm blanket covered her, like she was in her own bubble and no cold could seep in. She became content with where she was and didn't want to leave. Her thoughts became blurrier and blurrier until she fell fast asleep letting the shouts she heard fall into the distance.


Hey!!! How are you guys? What do you think of the chapter? should i keep doing sneak peeks on discord? lot's of questions and no answers xD see you next week ^^

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