22. Stranger

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"You don't remember me?" He feigned hurt even going so far as to stumble and put his hand on his heart.

Lily looked at him closely "You're that guy from behind the school!!!" She said proud of herself for remembering him.

"What's your name?" Lily asked the guy she was getting more curious about by the second. She pulled her wrist out of his grip and flinched. What was up with everyone grabbing her wrists?

The guy looked at her wrists and his gaze instantly hardened "Who did this to you?" He said sounding very pissed.

"It was an accident?" She said but it came out more as a question. Under his intense stare she wasn't sure of anything. Was her name really Lily? Maybe it's something else?

"Are you sure?" His face got closer, studying her expression. All she could do was nod meekly until he backed off satisfied. 

Lily took a deep breath relieved. She turned around and noticed the crowd had dispersed. She saw Serena running towards her and she waved.

"Where were you!?!?" Serena yelled at Lily over the already loud music "I looked all over for you!" Serena continues 

"Well I met this guy who got into a figh-" Lily starts to say

"Wait you met a boy?" Serena squeals as she grabs Lily's hands, thankfully avoiding the bruises on her wrists "Tell me all about him! Was he hot?" Serena says 

Lily blushed "M-Maybe. But that's besides the point!!!" Lily fiddled with her tangled hair. And looked down hoping Serena didn't see her blush.

"Awe You're blushing!!!" Serena cooed. Lily felt a push from behind her and fell, catching herself before she caused Serena to fall as well. 

Lily turned around to face the person who pushed her. but didn't see anyone who looked like they might have pushed her. She narrowed her eyes and asked Serena something that's been bugging her "Did you see the person behind me?" 

When Serena didn't respond she turned around expecting her to be missing but instead found her wide eyed staring at an envelope in her hands.

"What's that?" Lily asked walking around Serena so she could peek over her shoulder. Serena turned it over and read out loud "Lily" On the front. It was clearly handwritten but something about how the message arrived seemed to irritate her. Why couldn't just one thing be straight forward?!

"Well open it." Lily urged Serena staring at the envelope as well. "But it's for you. Maybe you should open-" Serena cut herself off and decided to open it, too curious to wait and bicker about who opens it.

I'm watching you.

Three simple words and Lily was out. Lily started by walking then jogging then going at a full sprint. She ran out of the club kicking a nearby box. At least the message was straight forward like she had asked seconds before.

"Hey that's not a nice way to treat other's property" Someone said next to her. She looked at his face knowing he was teasing and noticed it was the same person she talked to in the club.

"So Mr. Stranger Could you please tell me who you are? I don't have the patience to deal with anyone right now." Lily tightened her hands into fists. She was getting angrier every second she had to wait for an answer from this stranger.  

Mr. Stranger put his hands up in surrender "Lighten up." Mr. Stranger walked up close to her and before she could walk away, grabbed her waist.

"Shhh Relax Lily..." The stranger whispered in her ear as Lily's head snapped up causing her head to hit his chin.

Lily stomped on his foot hoping that would get her out of his grip. She glared at him as he tightened his hold on her"How do you know my name?"

Lily was so close she could smell his aftershave now. He felt oddly comfortable in these arms especially considering the fact that they were holding her hostage. 

Lily looked up and noticed he was staring at her "Are you going to answer me?" Lily asked meeting his eyes. Mr. Stranger looked away from Lily as she tilted her head

 "Ah I heard it in the club" Mr. Stranger said loosening his grip on Lily. She saw something flash across his face but wasn't sure what it was

Lily wiggled out of his grip noticing that she wasn't being held as tight and kneed him in the gut "Don't try to keep me hostage next time" She watched as he bent over, groaning in pain, and started feeling bad for him.

She rubbed his back about to apologize when he got up and tackled her to the ground.

Lily's head slammed into the ground but thankfully the cardboard box she kicked earlier saved her head from coming in contact with the cement underneath her.

 Lily gasped from the pain in her now throbbing head. She tried to move her hand to see if her head was bleeding but couldn't because he was pinning her down. 

She could still hear the loud music from outside and was about to scream for help when he kissed her.

She stared at him wide eyed, completely frozen. Was this her first kiss? No that Bailey girl kissed her before but that was on the forehead so that means he could have just stolen her first kiss that counted?!?!

He stopped kissing her after a second and gazed into her eyes "Now do I have your attention?" Mr. Kiss stealer said with a smirk.

Lily growled "Yea now get the hell off of me before I wipe that pretty smile off your face" She struggled against his grip, feeling pain shoot up her arm from her already bruised wrists.

"So you admit I have a nice smile?" He dared to add. Lily felt some stupid tears daring to escape and Mr. Not-so-nice took one look at her face and let her go "I'm sorr-"

Lily stomped off not caring what he said and went back inside to find Serena. She really needed to vent and right now Serena was the one who could help her the most.

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