14.Don't you remember me

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BEEP!!!!!! BEEP!!!!!! BEEP!!!!!!

Lily woke up to the sound of something trying to murder her ears. She rubbed her eyes while trying to detect where the sound was coming from in the loud room

She heard a groan from the other side of the room while Lily buried her head in her pillow and blanket trying to block out the sound

Lily heard a loud bang followed by some things falling to the floor and an angry Olivia grunting "why won't the stupid thing turn off already?!?"

Lily giggled at the sprawled out Olivia and some of her school books laying on the floor.

She remembered her weird dream that was somewhat hazy. It felt so real she can't believe it was just a dream.

Lily, now wide awake, swung her long legs off the bed and started looking through Olivia's dresser for some clothes

Lily grabbed some white jeans and a green tank top with a white mid jacket and went to the bathroom to change while Olivia tried to turn off the thing that was murdering her ears

Lily looked into the mirror once she finished getting dressed and saw her hair tangled like a rats nest most likely

She wasn't entirely sure it actually looked like a rats nest but her hair looked a lot like Olivia's in the morning and she heard her yell that when she was in the bathroom one day.

She went back into their bedroom, grabbing her black hairbrush from the top on their shared dresser on her way to the bed

Why did she have to have such long hair she thought as her hair got stuck in another knot

She pulled her hair free as she sat on her bed and watched Olivia doing her homework

"Why didn't you do your homework last night" Lily asked Olivia as she finished brushing her hair and started putting it a pony tail.

"Why didn't you?!?" Olivia snapped looking up from her homework real quick to give her a death glare

"Wow sorry remind me not to bug you in the morning" Lily put her hands up in mock surrender before sighing and saying "What's wrong?"

Olivia snapped the tip of her pencil from pressing down too hard "Why haven't you told us anything about you?!?" Olivia looked up with tears in her vision "Why can't you just be honest with me for once!?"

Tears were streaming down Olivia's face now and Lily was confused as to what she was talking about "What do you mean? I haven't talked about myself because it didn't seem that important" Lily lied though her teeth

No she wish it were that easy but the truth was she didn't know anything about herself

She was learning along with Olivia what she liked and what she didn't, what she was good at and what she was not

She left the room to leave Olivia to her own thoughts yelling "I'll be walking to school now."

She walks into the living room waving to Olivia's parents and picking her backpack up from the floor and swinging it over her shoulder.

She can't believe Olivia! Why can't she just understand her! This wasn't easy on Lily either.

She pushed her thoughts to the back of her head, opening the door and stepped outside, feeling the cold bite her cheek

She closed the door and started running, running away from everything while at the same time running towards everything

She felt something cold slip down her cheek but no more followed it. She pushed her legs to run faster and faster trying to feel at least the slightest burn but failed

She looked up and saw the school fast approaching her.... and this weird dot that was quickly growing into a full sized human being

By the time she realized it was a person she slammed into it knocking it down from the force

"Damn that hurt!" He rubs the back of his head and looks up at her and she gets a full on view of this face

He has dark drown hair in a slightly messy style but that might be just because she knocked him down. She looks into his bright blue eyes suddenly feeling like if she continued looking she might lose herself.

"S-Sorry" she stutters realizing the position they were in, he was sitting up slightly using his arms to keep him up while she was practically on top of him one arms on each side of him while being on her knees

"Um... can you get off me now?" His free arm gestures to the simple fact she was still on top of him

She blushed and quickly scrambled off she tries to shove her hands in her pockets to hide her embarrassment but for some reason her hands don't slip through

She looks down at her pocket confused and sees the pockets sowed together

Why would they even do that! Fake pockets are you serious! She huffs in annoyance

"By the way I'm Adam" she sees the boy in front of her smiling at her

She had completely forgotten about him!!!! Now what does she say! Does she wave at him? Ugh this is so confusing!!!

"Maybe you could start by telling me your name?" He chuckles running his hands through her hair

He looks at her confused expression and quickly say "You looked panicked so I assumed you weren't used to much human interaction, am I right?"

She nods slowly still a little dumb struck "I'm Lily" she offers confused when he looks shocked "Why do you looked so shocked"

"No reason just I've heard a lot of rumors about you" he frowns implying most of the rumors weren't good

"Get the hell away from her!" A guy comes over with black hair and pale green eyes looking very pissed off

Adam just sighs "What do you want now Ethan?" Ethan grits his teeth and looks over to Lily, his eyes softening

"Come on Lily let's get away from this loser" he glares at Adam and tries to grab her hands but she backs up even though she looks very familiar almost as if she had seen him recently.

Lily looks at him confused "Who are you and how do you know my name?" He falters slightly

"No you were supposed to remember me" He looks at her like a lost puppy dog and for some reason it breaks her heart to see him looking at her like that

She hears the bell and starts walking away from them "See ya! I don't need any drama in my life" She already had plenty of drama without the added stress of boys.


Hey guys yes I'm aware this wasn't the best chapter but at least I tried right? Anyways comment your thoughts because I want to know what you think so far and vote because it motivates me to update more often you guys are the best! See you next time!!!

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