15.Please don't

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She refused to look back at the boys and continued walking to her first period like a boss

She stops for a second to pull out her schedule from inside her black backpack with only two zippers

She unfolds the paper and stares at the first line hoping it would magically take her there

First period English 11 room 301

She looks around..... nope didn't work she's still in the school courtyard or what ever they called it

She walks up to the building she scolds herself for paying more attention to what-cha-ma-call-it's face yesterday then to where we was going

But in her defence he was hot it's no wonder he was taken after all not many would be able to turn that down

Wait when did she enter the building? All of a sudden she's surrounded by corridors and students pushing her from all sides

One guy shoulders her hard and causes her fall forward causing the ground to rocket towards her

Someone grabs her arm pulling her up safety and glaring at the guy that pushed her.

When her face hits the ground and she realized no one had tried to stop her from falling, that was all a part of her imagination.

It takes Lily a second to register what's going on when she feels a third kick

She open her eyes and sees a crowd around her, shouting at her and kicking her in the legs, side, and really anywhere they could hit

One girl comes out of the crowd smiling sweetly at her before glaring at everyone

"Guys!!!! Stop!!!!" Her voice was kinda high pitched but still loud enough to make Lily want to cover her ears

The girl walks over to Lily and stops right before her before looking around at everyone

Why did everyone seem stunned? It doesn't really matter she's just glad someone's nice enough to save her

The girl put her hands on her hips before addressing everyone "This!!!! Is not how you treat a freak!" Wait... what? Why would she call her that?

The girl walks over to her in her white high heels and looks down at Lily still on the floor

She slowly steps on Lily's leg before pressing her entire weight on it causing lily to scream

The girl walked up her leg to her stomach and twisted her heel in her stomach causing tears to run down Lily's face

"Boys pick her up" she laughs pointing at two boys

Each boy lifts one of her arms and Lily doesn't resist she just hangs her head, she can't even feel her legs anymore if they're still even there

She closes her eyes not wanting to see what happens next

"This guys is how you treat a freak!!!" She laughs manically and punched lily in the stomach again, again, and again

"What's going on!!" She faintly hears come people trying to break through the crowd

"The freak is finally getting what she deserves after all it's her fault...." fault for what? The rest of that sentence she couldn't make out to many people were laughing and taking pictures

"Oh no!" Three people push through the crowd and Lily names them as Olivia and the two guys she was talking with earlier.

The girl stops punching her and turns to face the guys and Olivia

"Wow this is a sight I'd never thought I'd see the outcast, the geek , and the school hottie all defending a freak that forced all of us to pretend to be something we're not"

Lily coughs up a bit of blood "What did I do?" Her voice sound dry and hoarse to even her own ears

The girl walks up to Lily "How about I fix this problem right now!!!" Then she does the strangest thing..... she kisses Lily's forehead gently

Her lips are surprising soft for all the harsh words that come out of them

The girl starts screaming "What are you?!?!?!" The crowd looks terrified and backs away even the guys holding her up drop her to back away earning them a glare from her three saviors

"There shouldn't be two that's not possible" the girl turns her murderous eyes on Lily "I'm sorry but I'm afraid I need to kill you"

The two guys she was talking with earlier hold her back "Bailey!! Stop it!" Oh so the girls name is Bailey that's good to know

"That girl is gonna kill us all!!!" She screams pointing a finger at Lily "I saw all our bodies everywhere with her standing in the middle smiling!!!!"

Lily looked at Bailey in horror why would she think that?!?! She wouldn't even hurt a fly

But what around the time she left a bruise around Olivia's wrist she could still see a faint outline

She knew Olivia tried to hide it but she saw it anyways and by the way Olivia kept looking back at her it was clear she was thinking the same thing.

If she could just prevent from that side from ever getting out.... wait why was she assuming what Bailey said was even true? Maybe her other side was just misunderstood and frightened after all some people attack when they get scared

It must've been that she wouldn't believe anything else no matter what any one said she wouldn't hurt anyone and she doesn't believe her other side would either

"I would never do that! You don't even know me how do you know I would do that?!?!?!" She sees Serena come through the crowd with her boyfriend Ace

"I'll clear this up" she looks at both of us "let's see who's lying"

She walks over to Bailey first staring in her eyes "you're half lying that's not the only thing you saw. You also saw a world where she was living peacefully as a doctor. Isn't that right Bailey?" She grins and walks over to Lily

"Now let's see if anythings changed" she looks into her eyes almost as if she was reading something there it was actually kind of creepy "you're lying too..."


Hey guys thanks for reading this and waiting for the updates it means a lot to me

Btw what did you think of the chapter I know it was pretty violent but sometimes that's how bullying feels like even when it's not that bad....

On a lighter note! Vote and comment I love it everytime you guys do!!!!!

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