21. Just Dance

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Lily walked outside feeling the cold brush her face. She rubbed her bare arms wishing she could grab a jacket, but there was no way Serena would let Lily cover up her dress.

Lily looked behind her when she heard the door open and smiled at Serena. Serena swung the door shut with a loud "Thud" and started walking towards Lily.

"Hey Lily. Are you ready to go?" Serena asked with a small wave of her hand.

Lily nodded and let Serena lead the way. Serena took many turns and twists leading into a dirtier part of town with a lot of people in the streets begging for money.

Lily felt really bad for them but she didn't have anything to give them. She tugged on Serena's shoulder when some of the people on the streets started giving her weird looks "I don't like this place."

Lily walked closer to Serena and in response Serena glared at everyone including the guy that was stumbling towards them a bit.

Serena looked back at Lily and smiled "Don't worry I have your back" She pushed Lily in front of what seemed to be an abandoned warehouse before whispering in Lily's ear "We're here."

Lily stopped moving and stared at the huge building noticing a faint sound of music emanating from it. Serena shook her head laughing a little at Lily's reaction and grabbed her hand. "Come on already! The beat is dying to meet us."

Lily laughed at Serena relaxing a bit "What does that even mean?" She asked Serena.

Serena pulled her threw the doorway, past two bouncers. "I'm not even entirely sure!" Serena yelled over the music.

Serena and Lily made their way to the dance floor and Lily started practicing the dance she did at Serena's house making sure to keep in the beat.

Lily closed her eyes lost in the music. She felt herself trip over someone's foot and started falling backwards. Oh no It's happening again she thought opening her eyes to look for Serena.

Before she could even look around She felt someone's strong arms around her. She dared a peek at the guy who she was afraid was imaginary till she saw his face.

What was his name again, Adam? "Hi" She said stumbling to get up. She turned around to face him and ended up still in his arms.

"Hey Lily." He said with a small smile playing over his lips. She stared at him unsure as too what to say next.

"Still bad with human interaction I see" He laughed causing Lily to blush. Lily nodded lowering her head to hid the blush.

He lifted her head with the tip of his finger "Hey. Don't hide your beautiful face" He said grabbing her waist and swaying to the beat.

Lily blurted out the first thing she thought "Do you like to dance?" She awkwardly put her hands on his shoulders, trying not to stiffen up.

"Not too much" Adam admitted "But I enjoy moving like this from time to time" He gave Lily a genuine smile and Lily felt very happy seeing the smile that seemed to light up the dark room they danced in.

Lily was about to ask something else when she was pulled away from his grip quite harshly if you ask her. She was about to complain but stopped seeing something peculiar flash across Adam's face. Was it anger? 

She wasn't sure but she didn't like it. Sure it wasn't nice that she was ripped away so suddenly but it's not like he had any sort of claim on her.

Lily looked at who had pulled her away so rudely and wasn't surprised when she saw Ethan dragging her along. 

She pulled her wrist out of his grip and winced at the pain in her wrists. Her wrists were still healing after Serena tackled her. "What do you think you're doing?!" She yelled at Ethan shoving him away from her when he tried to step closer.

"You don't understand yet... But I'll make you understand!" He reached for her again but Adam stepped in front of him.

"Stop this Ethan" Adam said his name like it was a disgusting piece of trash and even went so far as to push him.

Adam whispered something in Ethan's ear just barely loud enough for her to make out. 

"She's mine" It was only two words but they made her heart beat faster. Lily didn't understand why she was feeling this way. Was she coming down with something?

Ethan tried to go around Adam, but Adam blocked him. Ethan looked seriously pissed while Adam just calmly stood his raising his eyebrow. 

"Do you need something?" Adam asked crossing his arms in front of his chest. 

"Yea for you to get the hell outta here!" Ethan yelled shoving Adam into Lily. Lily stumbled backwards and thankfully caught herself before she fell.

Neither boy looked at her when she stumbled and that bothered her for some reason. She looked between the boys, both so different.

Adam glared at Ethan "And let you kidnap Lily? No way!" Adam's eyes never left Ethan's. They seemed to be trying to intimidate the other.

"I'm not trying to kidnap her! I'm trying to bring back her memor-" Ethan tried to reason before Adam punched him in the face.

Lily looked around and saw a small crowd forming around them "Guys stop!!" She yelled at them. Adam looked at Lily for a split second while Ethan decided to punch him back while he wasn't looking. 

Soon fists were flying everywhere and a large crowd had formed around them, even the music had stopped. 

Someone pulled her into the crowd and started walking towards the back. Lily went with the stranger willingly not wanting to be in that mess any longer.

"Thanks for getting me out of that" Lily said to the stranger. "But who are you?" The stranger had dark brown hair and pale blue eyes. Lily remembered those eyes from somewhere... But where? 

"You don't remember me?" 

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