18.Romeo And Juliet

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"Wait they had powers!! How did it end?!?" Lily asked Serena intrigued 

Serena motioned Lily closer to her and whispered in Lily's ear "Well you know how in the normals one they learn that they kill themselves?" She asked Lily curiously as if she was testing her.

Lily nods assuming that's the right answer. Serena continues satisfied with Lily's answer "Well in reality... They both ran away together but no one knows where they went right now we are about to discu-" 

Serena was cut off when the teacher asked for everyone's attention "Okay guy's guess what's next!" The teacher held his breath for a second before continuing "We are going to have a discussion everyone is to give their opinion, that means no one is to argue with it" looking pointedly at a guy in the back row

The teacher finishes explaining and points to the first person "I think they ran away to an island to live off the land where normals haven't found yet" A kid in the front says 

The class mostly says the same thing and Lily gets prepared to say that too when her name is called on "Lily what do you think happened?" The teacher asks and everyone looks in her direction.

"I think they both were killed by someone who knew their weaknesses" Lily says not knowing why that came out instead of what she had really wanted to say.

The teacher frowns "Well that's an interesting theory but why do you think that?" Lily hears a few snickers and 'idiots' being said causing her to lower to head.

"Um J-Just because well eventually they would run out of food even if they lived on an island and if they had a child they'd want to explore where there was other people. Also Juliet can't live forever and after all this time she must be dead but Romeo... I think he was murdered"

Right now she was just saying whatever came to her mind and hoped it made sense to everyone else. 

Lily lifted her head to look at the teacher and only met a disapproving stare. The teacher goes on but not before she tell Lily to do her research on the book.

Serena leans over to whisper in Lily's ear causing her black hair to fall from behind her ear "Why didn't you just say what everyone else was saying?" Serena asked as if she thought Lily was an idiot.

"I don't know? It just kinda came out before I even knew I was saying it." Lily covered her face to hide the embarrassment of the stupid answer she gave

Serena removed Lily's hands from her face and Lily noticed that she looked concerned "If... If you want I could tutor you?" Serena asked unsure if she should.

She probably shouldn't accept jugging by how Serena's face showed disgust but she really needed a tutor and Olivia did say mind readers were the best tutors "Sure! Thanks a lot!" Lily grinned.

Serena groaned "This wont be easy" She quickly whispered to Lily "I'll meet you at your house" Lily looked at her confused until she remembered that she was a mind reader and probably read her mind.

"O-Okay" Lily replied right as the bell rang.

Lily started to pack up her book and papers shoving it all into her small backpack unsuccessfully. She gave up and carried one of her binders throwing her backpack over her shoulder. 

The rest of school pasted in a blur and she just mostly remembered how much homework she got. Overall it was exhausting at least she'd have help when she did her homework.

Lily arrived home with Olivia and threw her backpack on the ground next to her bed.

Lily looked up and almost screamed at the sight on her bed her. Her blankets were thrown on the floor and there was a body laying on it.

Lily poked the body and screamed when it moved "It's warm!!!!!" Lily runs around in circles as the body sits up and yells at her "Shut up will you? It just me." Lily turns around and looks at Serena. 

Serena just looked at her amused as Lily glared at her "You scared the life out of me" That was all Lily had to say before Serena burst out laughing "I didn't know you got scared so easily" She tried to control her laughter but ended up in coughs. 

"Come on let's get started" Lily smiled at Serena while she pulled out all her homework and put it on the desk.

Lily sat down pulling a chair next to her so Serena could look over her shoulder "What do you want to start with first?" Serena asked, her voice strained 

"English I want to get on our teachers good side tomorrow" Lily smiled trying to lighten the mood.

Her smile faltered when Serena wasn't smiling back "Sooooo About Romeo and Juliet..." Lily trailed off before she decided to just to continue "Can you tell me the whole story my mind's a bit fuzzy" 

Serena muttered under her breath "A bit? It's a hell of a lot more than a bit" then out loud she said to Lily "Romeo and Juliet met at a ball and didn't know the other had powers but still fell in love with each other. It's really quite romantic but here's the tragic part" Serena said making Lily want to know more.

"Well go on! I want to know more!" Lily eagerly faced Serena on the edge of her seat waiting for Serena to continue "Well they snuck out one night when Paris happened to be waiting to surprise his Juliet" 

Lily Paused Serena "Wait who's Paris again?" Lily asked as Serena sighed "Don't you know anything? He's Juliet's fiance" Lily flinched at the question but didn't say anything more 

Serena continued with the story "Anyways Paris was enraged he threw his flowers on the ground and stomped on them then ran up to Romeo and Juliet and tried to kill them both but Romeo would take every hit for Juliet" 

Lily noticed Serena had started to tap her fingers on the desk thumping and thumping to the story "Romeo told Juliet his secret and in return Juliet told hers and you already know the ending right?" 

"Yes!" Lily thought for a minute "Wait why didn't Juliet just break up with Paris?" 

Serena started at her for a long time, long enough to make Lily uncomfortable. "Serena are you okay?" Lily asked concerned.

Serena laughed hysterically "Am I Okay?!?!? I can't believed you had the nerve to ask that" She laughed more sounding a little unnerving "What's Wrong with you?!? Why can't I read Your stupid mind!?!?" Serena yelled at Lily causing her to jump in her seat.

Lily got up and backed away from Serena suddenly feeling afraid but Serena tackled Lily to the ground "Let me read your mind!!" Serena had Lily pinned down and struggling to get out hurt.

"What are you talking about? Haven't you been reading my mind this whole time?" Lily tried to reason 

"No I've had to get all my information out of Olivia" 


Hey buddies I missed ya'll I had a bit of writers block with this one but that's normal so yea like and comment please!!! 


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