23. Watching Her

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Lily found Serena already looking for her in the club. Lily walked up to Serena feeling a little embarrassed now.

"Heyyy Serena" Serena's head snapped towards Lily and with the glare Serena was giving her she was tempted to run away again

"Don't hey me!" Serena stomped towards Lily as Lily took a couple steps back wary of Serena

Lily sighed already giving in to her fate "Can we just go home already?" Lily put her hand on her temple, rubbing it. She was tired of everyone right now, she didn't even care about venting she just wanted it to be over.

Something about Lily expression made Serena's gaze soften. "Okay let's go home" Serena put her hand on Lily's shoulder and smiled.

"What happened out there?" Serena asked the curiosity clearly burning on her face.

Lily started walking out of the club assuming Serena was following her. "Well The guy that pulled me away from the fight..." Lily blushed remembering the kiss. 

Serena looked at Lily and she noticed Lily was blushing "Ooo what happened? Did he kiss you?!?" 

Lily's face turned even redder and Serena squealed "He did!! Tell me all about it! Was it romantic under the moonlight? Were his lips soft? How long was it?!?" Serena grabbed both of Lily's shoulders, almost shaking her.

Anger bubbled up in Lily as she remembered how vicious it was, sure it was soft and sure it was under the moonlight but it wasn't romantic "I'm just thankful it wasn't long" Lily groaned. She looked up at the dark sky and saw a flickering light post near by.

Lily looked at Serena, sad that her kiss hadn't been more romantic. "What about you? Did you meet up with Ace?"  Lily said trying to change the topic.

Serena's eyed Lily knowingly but still answered "Yea He danced with me all night long" Serena sighed softly, a dreamy look in her eyes.

Lily smiled glad at least Serena had a good time. Lily elbowed Serena "Careful there or you might end up married" Lily laughed and Serena laughed with her.

She needed this, she was glad Serena started being nice to her. "Hey Serena why did you start being nice to me?"

Serena looked at Lily guilty "Honestly I believed Bailey's first promotion when she said you were going to kill everyone but you had two futures so I didn't know which one to believe. You know the better safe then sorry." Serena fiddled with her hair "Sorry"

Lily was still confused by one more thing she just had to ask "Then why did you defend me when Bailey told everyone the first promotion?" 

Lily's feet were killing her. She looked at the broken glass on the ground then at her heels. She decided it was better to keep the heels on than cut her feet. 

"Because I wanted to keep an eye on you if I hadn't said that then the principal would have deemed you too dangerous and killed you." Lily stopped walking unsure if Serena was being serious. 

When Lily looked at her face, the realization hit her. Serena had saved her life. Even if it was just because Serena wanted to watch her.

Lily noticed Serena wasn't at her side anymore and stopped, turning around she noticed she was in an Alley way.

"Serena?" Lily called out. When no one answered she retraced her steps trying not to worry but unable to stop herself.

"Serena?!?!" She started running trying to get out of the Alley way but it seemed never ending.

"SERENA!!!!" She screamed and in that instant she felt someone tap her shoulder.

"No need to scream Sweetie. She's right here." Lily slowly turned around to face her hunter. Her face full of fear.

"I think now is the perfect time to scream" She was about to open her mouth to scream again when he pulled out a knife and pointed it at her. 

"Okay go for it but don't say I didn't warn you when I say this is going to hurt... a lot" He took a step toward her and in return she took a step back.

"W-Where is Serena?" She tried to sound brave but knew that failed when she stuttered. She recognized him from somewhere but she couldn't put her finger on it. She could see him but his face was so blurry she couldn't even tell the color of his hair.

"Right over there." He pointed to a a bunch of boxes and Lily saw Serena laying down on the ground next to them.

Lily ran over to Serena to wake her up fearful that she was already dead. This man was crazy and had no problems killing people. Who knew what he could do when he became angry.

Lily shook Serena hoping she would wake up. She could feel his slimy breath on her skin and turned around pissed off "Can you stop!" 

He shook his head "You know, she wont wake up until I let her" He tapped Serena's forehead and Serena gasped as if she couldn't breath until then.

Lily watched as Serena rolled onto her side and started coughing "What the hell?" Serena muttered.

Lily muttered a thank you to him before asking "Serena are you alright?" She was really worried about her.

Serena sat up straight so she was eye level with Lily "Yeah I'm fine now" Lily noticed Serena paused, looking at the guy behind her "Who is he?" She said, distrust laced her voice.

Lily looked back at the guy. She didn't want to outright say he was a murderous guy that was hunting her and probably gave her that note earlier, but that's what he was. 

The guy had the nerve to smile at both of them and Lily had to clench her fists to keep herself from punching him. 

"He's..." She stopped not sure what she was going to say. She didn't want Serena or herself to get hurt but she didn't want to lie.

Maybe she could lie and tell Serena later it was a lie?

"I'm her boyfriend" 

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