8.Cause I can

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Lily walked out of the locker rooms feeling a new founded confidence and looked at everyone already staring at her. She felt a small breeze against her cheek and took a deep breath, If I can make one friend today I'll make some chocolate pie and share it with them. She thought proud of her new goal, after all who doesn't like chocolate.

She quickly found Serena with a group of people most likely her friends and judging by the way they were whispering and kept looking at her she could only assume one thing. They were talking about her. Lily walked up to them anyways without a second thought so she won't chicken out in the case that she was wrong.

As soon as Lily walks up to them they stop talking and nervously looked at each other "Did you need something?" Serena decided to say after several painfully slow seconds and it became obvious no one else was planing to.

"Uhh n-no sorry I just thought maybe I could be with you guys for this class" Lily's voice cracked and shoved her hands in her pockets to his her embarrassment. Normally she's not shy but the way they kept looking at her was giving her chills.

Serena burst out laughing scaring Lily for a second. "Normally I'd say yes but we're about to run on the track" She pointed to the track on their left. The track was a reddish orange color with white lines to indicate where to run and in the middle was green grass almost the size of a football field.

I wonder what kind of sports they play. Sports sound so fun right now I kinda wish we weren't doing what ever this track thing was. Maybe my first friend will teach me every sport, that's probably asking to much though but I want to make my first friend today and I want to ask as soon as possible, you know... Just in case. Plus Serena seems okay...ish.

"-keep these in mind if you want to pass" Lily snaps out of her thoughts as she notices the teacher finished talking to the class about something while she was daydreaming.

"Can you repeat that I wasn't listening" Lily looked around to see who said it but almost everyone's head was facing her. Realization hit her in the head. Please don't tell me I said that! Why did she have to open up her big mouth?

The teacher clears his throat and everyone gives him their attention "Miss Campbell I presume" Lily nods slowly Yup I was the one with the big mouth. The teacher continues "Because your new I'll give you a warning but next time you better listen up or you'll have detention" he stops a moment before talking again.

Wow does he love to talk Lily thinks to herself and a few people behind her giggle she turns her head to see Serena and a few other people she didn't know whispering and laughing "-got it?" Lily nods her head Shoot I didn't pay attention again! What did he say? She mentally panics It's not my fault he sounds so boring! She quickly walks up to Serena hoping that she will be at least semi nice again and tell her what he said.

"Hey Serena what did he say?" Lily smiles trying to be as polite as possible.

"We're running a mile today or in other words four laps and no cheating. Also don't worry about the teacher everyone has a hard time paying attention to him." Lily stood there shocked and tried not to let her mouth hang open.

"Wait then how do you know what we are doing today?" Lily questioned.

"Me and Ace post a schedule for the week every Monday in the locker rooms by the bathrooms" Lily noticed she didn't answer the question but decided not to press, she had already been so helpful.

"Thanks" Lily follows the rest of the class onto the track glad she put her hair in a ponytail.

Everyone crowded at the starting line as the teacher grabbed his whistle from around his neck. Lily looked around the track Just four laps I can do this! Lily braced herself for the whistle to blow and noticed how quiet everyone was. Weird I thought at least one kid would be talking or joking around.

She heard the whistle ring in her ears and she started moving at a slow jog trying to keep pace with everyone. Huh this isn't too bad. Lily saw a guy standing in front of her with his foot out and before she could process her mind screaming at her to move, she tripped on his foot and saw the ground move towards her at almost lightning speed.

Well technically she was moving toward the ground but that's not really important right now.

Lily's right knee hit the ground first feeling hot and cold waves of pain run up and down her leg. She rolled to the side as the rest of her body impacted the ground. She laid still for a second trying to determine if she should stay there or not. Her wounded pride wouldn't let her stay down and so she slowly sat up wincing at the pain in the right half of her body. Switching tactics she mainly used her left side to get up refusing to see the damage that fall caused her.

She stood up and took a step forward only to fall back down. She screamed as tears fell down from her face, the pain was unbearable and she wished desperately for it to end Please! Make it go away! She pleaded even if it was only in her thoughts she knew her voice wouldn't form a single word.

"Damn it Lily!!!" Someone yelled and soon everyone was yelling at her. She tried her best to understand everyone but it seemed like they were getting further and further away.

"Adam do something!"

"Serena you do it!"

"No way I already tried! I almost cried!"

"Well try again!"

"Both of you stop bickering! I'd prefer not to die today!"

"Fine I'll do it!" Lily suddenly stopped feeling the pain and felt relaxed and terrified. She remembers everything! She needed to go save Amy!

She froze she's being hunted..... And by the guy that tripped her.

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