You're Gonna Let It Eat You Away

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I sat down at my desk and just looked at my books. There was no way this was actually happening.

I knew I just needed to keep my head down until at least next period so no one could see my embarrassment. You're 16 years old Jess, get yourself together, you can't let this bother you. But it was bothering me. And I know it will for a long time. After a few more presentations, the bell rang and I rushed to the bathroom and texted my older brother Chris:

J is Jess and C is Chris

J: Chris can you please come and get me from school?

C: Why?

J: I just need to be picked up I don't want to be here right now

C: Tell me otherwise I have no good reason to.

J: Could you please just stop being obnoxious and pick me up?? Please??

C: You can get through 3 more classes.

Usually, he was my best friend, my overly-trusted older brother, but he's also pretty stubborn. I rolled my eyes and walked to my next class. Finally, we were at the last period of the day, chemistry. As soon as I walked in the room I went and sat down in my usual seat. "Hey, uh, Jess, we're having a partner change. This isn't your seat anymore" My old partner Jackson said to me, standing with another kid who I'm assuming was his new partner. "Okay sorry" I said and walked to an empty table and put my head down. Maybe if no one else comes in the room, I won't have a partner. Good. As soon as I finished my thoughts, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up to see a boy with dark hair and sparkly eyes. Brendon. "Hey, can I sit here?" he asked. "Um, we're getting new partners today" I said, thinking that he just wanted a place to sit. "Oh, I know, partner" he smirked and sat in the empty chair. I pressed my lips together and put my head back down on the table. I could feel a negative and awkward energy start to form around my table. My teacher soon walked in and shut off the light so we could take notes from the projected board, but the dark and quiet room just made it more relaxing for me.

I fell asleep at one point, and woke up to a torn off corner of a paper being slid under my arm. I sat up and looked at Brendon, who was looking at the board. 'Are you ok? ' The note read. No. 'Yes' I wrote back and slid it back to him. He took it without even looking and continued his notes.

Finally, after another class going by, we were released to lunch, then one more class. I walked out of science to go to my usual lunch spot, hidden in-between two buildings.  I sat down against a wall and began starting homework that I already got instead of eating lunch; let's face it, who really likes school lunches?

I was alone because my other friend Macy was in the process of moving schools, so I wouldn't be able to see her everyday anymore, which made me kind of sad.

My head pops up when I hear someone coming. I look down the walkway and see none other than Brendon coming towards me.

"Dang this is a cool spot, how have I never seen this place?!" He said, setting his lunch tray down and sitting across from me. I looked up at him, furrowing my eyebrows and he just smiled up at me. "Oh yeah Spencer is coming, he just go caught up with his girlfriend or something" he stated, taking a bite into the chicken sandwich. Spencer was an old friend from middle school, but we haven't talked since 7th grade.

"Um, why are you guys sitting with me?" I asked, still wondering why he's attached to me all of the sudden for. "The question is, why won't you let me sit with you? I mean, you're all alone here anyways, just take the company." He says, taking another bite. "Brendon, I'm serious, you've never talked to me until today. Does this have something to do with me putting my head down or something?" I snapped. "Calm down, I just feel kinda bad because of what happened this morning. It wasn't cool." He said looking away from me. I pressed my lips together and went back to doing my homework, that was, until Brendon shoved some papers on top of the ones I was working on. I looked up at him with a straight face "They're Spencer's. You can copy off of them if you want" He said. I looked down to see all of the answers on his paper filled in. "Thanks" I mumbled and started writing again. Spencer soon showed up and sat down next to us. "Hey" he said, looking at Brendon, who nodded, then to me. "Hi.." I said quietly. He and Brendon quickly began conversation while I continued homework.

"-but it couldn't have been real! There are no stars shown in the video, but they're on the goddamn moon! Of course there would be stars!" I hear when I finally started listening to their conversation. "What are you guys talking about?" I asked. "Brendon thinks the landing on the moon video was fake, just so America would seem amazing for being the first to do it" Spencer said. "There are no stars in the video! You're on the moon, where the stars should be more visible than ever!" He whined. "Brendon, the moon gives off light, of course you wouldn't see the stars if you're standing on it, it would be too bright" I objected. Now this was a subject I didn't need to copy off from. "How about the flag moving when they put it on the moon? There is no wind in space." He objected. "Things still move around in space, dude, and the flag was probably just unrolling" I said and Spencer agreed.

"Okay, Ms. Smartypants, if you're so smart, tell me why you won't let anyone be your friend?"


So I decided that I wanted her to have 4 periods a day (studies, chemistry, math, lunch, then english) Brendon will be in her first two classes, and Spencer will be in the last.

Also I realized that I didn't want this to be like most fics where the main character has no friends and stuff, but I also didn't want to make this story all about her actual life and have nothing go on with Brendon, so I added Spencer to their school, and maybe I'll keep her friend out of this for the most part. Hope you guys don't mind :)

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