Don't Threaten Me With a Good Time

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Walking with Spencer from lunch, I felt like I needed to ask him about Brendon. The note, how attached he seems to be getting, asking me to go with him places; it just seemed a little weird compared to how Spencer acts.

"Hey Spenc?"


"Uh- what's up with Brendon? He seems to be getting a little- uh- too friendly,I guess you could say."

"I told you! He likes you!"

"Did he TELL you that he did or you just assumed?"

"It's a little obvious he does, he's always hinting at it." A huge smile grew on my face as I thought about him maybe liking me back.

"You likeeeeeee himmmmmm" Spencer teased.

"Maybe a little..." I could feel my whole face turn bright red.

"Well, let's plan on how you're gonna get him. I'll tell you some stuff" He said, turning into the class room.

I walked home to find no one there. Remembering that my parents are still at work, I walk into my room and start getting ready for my "date". Of course it wasn't an actual date, and if I were to change my outfit it would be obvious that I was excited for this, and Spencer said Brendon didn't like girls that were too eager to do something with him. I didn't want it to be a full-on "let's go to a restaurant and spend $50 on the appetizer", but I also didn't want to just walk and talk. Spencer also said that he didn't like doing huge things for no real special occasion either.

Knowing the only thing I could really fix was my face, I put a little unnoticeable, but-still-makes-a-difference makeup on and sprayed myself down with a little bit of cologne, since I didn't like the smell of perfume. And now, the hardest part, waiting for him to come.

After what seemed like forever of waiting, I got a text saying he was outside waiting for me. I walked out to see him in a little silver Toyota with the window facing me rolled down. "Come on, get in!" he said, opening the passenger seat from where he was sitting. "Where are we going?" I asked, getting in and closing the door. As soon as it was closed, he started driving out of the neighborhood. "In the glove box- open it- there's something in there for you." He said. I leaned forward and opened the little door, taking out the little envelope that was inside. I sat back and looked into it, finding two Green Day tickets inside.

"Brendon! How did you get these? How did you know I liked them?!" I practically yelled. Green Day has been my favorite since I started getting into music.

"Oh you know, it's not like you wore 3 of their shirts to school and had a few stickers of them on your binder" He laughed. "Thank you so much!" I yelled and leaned over to give him a kiss on the cheek. I don't remember telling my body to do that, but I would have thought of it anyways. I saw his face form a huge smile and his eyes brighten up. Maybe he did like me back?

When we arrived at the venue, I practically dragged him in there. I was way too excited to let Brendon walk at a normal pace. As soon as were in the standing room, I looked around at everyone around us and sitting on the balcony, to find that Brendon was watching me in amazement. I put my hands on my cheeks and smiled, making him laugh and mimic me. The rest of the hour waiting was me jumping around in excitement to see Green Day live, and him trying to calm me down. Soon enough, the lights shut off and the sound of a guitar riff filled the venue. I threw myself onto Brendon in excitement and started to jump around. When the members came out on stage, I started screaming and jumping to the song along with the rest of the crowd.

Brendon didn't seem to know all of the songs that I did, so he stood there watching me dance around. By the time we got to around the 8th song, I was pretty tired out and hugged Brendon, and he wrapped his arms around me. "Thank you so much" I whispered in his ear. This was definitely one of the best days of my life.


Do you guys like smut or fluff or whatever because I have a friend who likes to help me write that kind of stuff and I personally think she does a pretty good job, but I mean whatever you guys want. If I decide to put some in anyways, I'll probably put a warning at the beginning of the chapter.

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