This Is The Beat Of My Heart

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I looked up at his expressionless face. As if he knew what I was going to say, he quickly began to defend the situation, "Take whatever you want from it, I love you too much as friends, as boyfriend and girlfriend, as whatever. But I think we know enough about each other to be able to say it." he stated. I nodded and looked down, because he was right. We were very close, and time shouldn't matter. It was what he was feeling, and I couldn't argue with it.

"Jess," he said, lifting my chin up with his finger, making me look into his eyes. He leaned in for our lips to connect and moved his hand to cup my face. I wanted to tell him so badly that I wanted to go back with him, and be able to tell him I'm perfectly happy with my family and my life. But I wasn't. Him and Spencer were all I got up for. They're all that's for me anywhere, weather I liked it or not.

Although, a question still remained.: Will I be happier starting over, or relying on him to make me happy?

Without a word, I took his hand in mine and led him beck to van. I walked in through the open door and climbed back into the 3rd row. Brendon smiled and followed me into the back. "Look who decided to change their mind" Spencer said, grinning and ruffled my hair, "Glad you could join us. We'd miss you, kid." He said as Brendon squeezed my hand. Spencer jumped into the front seat and started the car.

Not even 20 minutes into the drive, Jess called him and they started blabbing away on the phone, leaving me and Brendon to do our own thing.

"Hey Jess?" Brendon said to me under Spencer's conversation about who knows what. "Yeah?" I asked, mimicking his serious tone. "Were you going to leave because you didn't want to do this with me?" He questioned, hinting towards how his arm was around me and I was cuddled into him. "No, no. If anything, I want this. You and Spenc are the two things keeping me here." I said. He gave a small smile and I gave him a small kiss. "I wouldn't want you to leave us." He said. I nodded and yawned, starting to play with his fingers.

"Hey Brendon?"


"Can we make this something?" I asked.

"You and me?"

"Yeah, I mean, I don't want to be doing things just to do it, if you know what I mean."

"Okay" He said, turning more towards me. "Jess," I raised my eyebrows, "Would you like to be my girlfriend?"

I smiled a toothy grin and nodded my head. He smiled too and gave a small kiss.

I adjusted myself to lean against his chest so I could listen to his heart. It was beating rapidly, and I smiled; it was because of me.

Drive. {Brendon Urie}Where stories live. Discover now