Your Love's a Fucking Drag

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Going into the halls of school and into the classroom, expecting to be greeted by Brendon who's usually already in his seat messing around with some other people.

He came in about 10 minutes late and told me his car broke down, but if anything, he was the one broken down.

We walk to chemistry together, but he remains silent the whole way. After starting the lab, I explain every step of what we were supposed to do, but he just muttered a bunch of "okay"'s and watched as I did all of his parts for him.

I decides not to ask him about it; maybe he was just having a bad day or something.

Or maybe I was making his day bad.

He was a little more cheerful by lunch, maybe because he was starting to get over whatever he was thinking about, and Spencer was with us, but he still walked away from lunch as if was the same person as he was earlier.

"Spenc?" I asked while walking to our next class. "Yeah?"

"Why is Brendon acting weird? He came in late today and hasn't been talking much"

Spencer looked at me and moved his mouth to the side. "His girlfriend moved to our school today. I think he's a little upset about that" He said as if I were porcelain that was about to break.

"He has a girlfriend?" I quietly muttered, thinking about the kissed and hand-holding.

"Uhm" he sat down across from me at our usual table, "I mean she was his girlfriend. Her name was Savannah or something. They were dating for a little, and then she just left" I furrowed my eyebrows at the statement. "She didn't show up to school, no one knew her address since she left right after moving houses, changed her number, and she was gone. No idea what happened. Almost like she planned leaving everything and everyone. Not even her best friend knew."

"So does that mean they broke up? Or they just never got to talk about it?" I looked up at him.

"Well he considered it broken-up, but who knows now that she's back." He shrugged. I felt a frown form. "Sorry, I know you like him, and he likes you too. Don't worry about it." He dismissed, and started to work.

I couldn't get rid of the thought of him going after her again. He wasn't mine, but I wanted him to be. I didn't know where to stand on this; should I be defensive or let him go.

Little bit of a short chapter, but I've decided that I won't leave anymore author's notes since you guys probably don't care. But I hope you guys enjoy the rest of the book :)

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