Your Eyes Are The Size Of The Moon

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Come on guys! Let's go!" Spencer yelled from across the parking lot. Here we were, about to leave the city. Part of me was scared: My parents didn't know I was leaving, I'm supposed to be visiting my grandmother this weekend, and no one knows where I'll be. I've never sneaked out before these two dipshits came along, but honestly, I was happy they did.

My and Brendon raced back to the van and hopped in. When Brendon tried getting into the passenger seat, but Spencer quickly stopped him. "Nope" he said, throwing Brendon's stuff in the back, "I want my alone space this trip while driving. YOU can sit in the back." He laughed. Brendon rolled his eyes and got in the 3rd row with me. Since we weren't at legal age to get a hotel room, we decided we could sleep in the 2 rows of seats, and someone gets the whole back space.

Okay so i just wanted to take this time to explain the van: It's kind of like a kidnapping van; there are 3 rows of seats, (driver/passenger, second behind that, then the 3rd seat behind that. In the very back is a huge trunk with a curtain so that it's closed off.

"Spenc, how'd you get such a huge van?" I asked. All I got was the response of "I'm borrowing it from my brother". Pulling out of the school parking lot, we decided to stop by everyone's house to drop off our backpacks and get clothes, money, and food. Finally, we started our trip.

"Hey guys, let's go swimming." Spencer interrupted the car conversation after about an hour of driving, and pointed out the window. He parked on the side of the road and went to get his swim trunks. It was already dark out, so we kept the headlights on and I realized something. "Uh, Brendon?" I asked, tapping him on the shoulder. "What?" He asked. "I forgot my bathing suit" I whispered. "Swim in a bra and underwear" he suggested. I know that it was the same layout of a bikini, but something still felt weird about getting into something that revealing infront of him. I sat there silently thinking if there were any other clothes I didn't mind getting ruined. "Jess" he whispered. I lifted my eyes up to him and felt his warm lips settle gently on mine. As he continued to kiss me, he put his hands on my waist, underneath my shirt. Slowly, he lifted it up and over my head, then looked at me. "I'll let you take your pants off" he said, grinning at me and sliding out of the car.

I took off my pants without hesitation, then walked out into the surprisingly warm air, following Brendon and Spencer to the lake. They immediately jumped into the water, tackling and jumping on each other. I stood back and sat on the warm sand, watching them since the water was way colder than I thought. After about a 20 minute dog fight, Spencer decided to call it quits and wanted to go call Lexi and start heading to sleep. "Jess, come out here" Brendon urged from the water. I decided I would go, and made it in knee deep before I wuss out. "Brendon! It's like 20 degrees in here!" I yelled. "No it's not, Spencer's dick would have froze off already if it was that cold. Come farther in!" I shook me head. Hell no. Brendon shrugged, giving a huge sigh and walked towards me. Before I knew what he was doing, he threw me over his shoulder and carried me out deeper into the water. He finally put me down in at almost shoulder deep then let go of me. "Is it warmer now that you're in it?" He asked. "It's still cold." I rolled my eyes. I pushed back and let myself glide  a little through the water backwards, in which Brendon came towards me, taking hold of either thigh, and pulling me to him. I wrapped my legs around his waist and arms around his neck, with his hands on my waist. He pulled me closed into a passionate kiss that I did not want to let go of; I took his face in my hands and depended the kiss. I felt a tongue glide against my lip and opened my mouth for him. He led his tongue in, pulling my body closer to his. He pulled away from my lips and kissed my cheek then my jawbone, then looked at me with huge shining eyes. "Let's go"

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