Welcome To The End

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"You know, Jess" Brendon said, with me cuddled on his side with his arm around me.

I looked up at him to let him know I was listening, but he continued too look at the ceiling. I looked back up to where he was looking: a blank wall with a light in the middle.

He drew in a deep breath, as if it was hard to say, but I kept quiet and let him take his time.

"I can't stop thinking of that time you wanted to stay behind, in Misquite." He said.

I thought for a second. That was so long ago.

We had graduated a week ago. I have barely even thought about college, since I was taking a gap year and didn't know what I wanted to do. But the thought that he brought something up from a year and a half ago, that he never told me bugged him? I sat up from the bed and leaned on an arm to look at him. "Why would you be thinking about that?" I asked, making his eyes dart at me from the confrontation.

"Well, we're done with high school. We're free. I thought maybe me, you, and Spencer can go somewhere else. Like California. Or something like that; I mean, none of us like it here" He said, sitting up next to me.

"For how long?"

"Well I mean, not stay for a vacation, I mean, maybe get an apartment together."

"You mean, move  there?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Yeah, I mean, what else do we have to do? Maybe if we all got small jobs, we'd make enough to live and save." He said, his eyes pleading for me to agree. 

I looked around the room. What was I staying for? I looked back at him, who was waiting desperately for my answer.

I nodded my head.

"Yeah" I said, watching his eyes as they brightened at my answer. "Let's go to California"

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