Praying for Love (In a Lapdance)

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The next day finally came around. I again walked to my spot at lunch to find the boys already sitting there, waiting for me. "So you're coming with us to Mesquite?" Brendon asked. We were okay now, I just decided to let yesterday go and we talked during both classes we had together. "Um yeah, is that okay with you?" I asked, nervous that Spencer invited me without telling Brendon first. "Yeah, it'll be fun" he smiled. "HECK YEAH, ROAD TRIP!" Spencer threw his arms in the air. We all laughed and Brendon shot me a wink.

We sat through lunch talking about what we should do up there, since we'd be there for two nights. "Why don't we go to the lake on our way up? It's gonna be hot on the drive up there." Spencer suggested. We all agreed but I was silently freaking out. I've never been in a bikini infront of a boy before; what will they think?

Deciding it wasn't something to worry about, I got up and walked to my next class with Spencer.

"What was that?" He asked as soon as we got out of Brendon's sight. "What are you talking about?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "THAT SMILE, HE WINKED AT YOU!!" He whisper-yelled. We both laughed. "I don't know what that was" I said turning my head to  him. "Maybe he likes you", he said a little more seriously but probably still fooling around. I laughed and walked into our next class.

*time skip*

"Jess! Time for dinner!" I heard my mom yell from down the hall. We lived in a one-story house so it was easy to get anyone's attention. I walked out to the kitchen table and sat on an empty stool, my dad on my right and mom on his right.

"How was school without Macy for the past few days?" My mom looked over to me. "It was okay, I have some other friends to hang out with" I shrugged. "Also I'm going to Macy's on the seventeenth of March. She wants to know if I can possibly stay there for two nights. You guys will be working late those nights anyways, won't you?" I asked. "Well that's an early-planned get together, but are you forgetting that we'll be at the hospital to visit grandma with the rest of the family for her birthday?" my dad laughed. Shit. I forgot about that.

"Can I visit her this weekend or the next weekend? Macy planned out some events she wants to do Downtown on those dates."

"I don't think so Jess. We already planned this with the whole family, it's not everyday the hospital lets anyone in. She's very sick." My mom joined in, "Auntie and her kids will be flying in town for it. Grandma is turning 90, you know."

"Mom, please?? I can just come in before I go over to Macy's."

"Jess, jut listen to your mother, just reschedule with your friend. She'll still be here. Your grandma may not."

I frowned and kept quiet for the rest of the dinner. I went back to my room after putting my dish in the sink and lied down on my bed. I turned on my phone seeing 2 unread texts from Brendon.

B: Hey

B: Want to hang out after school tomorrow?

J: Sure, what time? Where are we going?

B: 8:30? And it's a secret. It'll be a Friday night so you can stay out late, right?

At this point I knew my parents wouldn't just let me go out with a boy while we're all mad at each other, and there was no way I was going to even try to ask them.

J: Yeah pick me up then.

I sighed and placed my phone next to me and drifted off to sleep.


Hope you guys like this so far. Sorry if you keep getting notifications about updates from this, I'm fixing up some stuff that messes up my plot line lol.

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