Better To Leave Than Be Replaced

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"Let's go." He pulled my by my hand out of the water, and rushed back to the van. He threw me a towel without saying a word and dried himself off, so I do the same. "Brendon what are yo-" He cut me off with a kiss. He started walking me backwards, lips still on mine, and soon I was pushed into the open trunk of the van. I climbed up into it and he followed, closing the trunk and came back over. We continued the kiss as he pushed me down, hovering over me as my back laid on the floor. He began kissing down my neck causing me to moan. 

"Dammit you guys" Spencer loudly muttered from the front of the van. I heard the car door close; even though there was a curtain in between the last row of seats and the back space, I'm guessing he heard us. Brendon and I burst out into laughter, given the current situation. Our giggles calmed down and Brendon lifted himself off of me. "I'll text Spenc and tell him we're done." He chuckled. I forced a small one out, mainly because I didn't want to be done. The back door opened back up and Spencer jumped inside. "Are you guys done?" he rolled his eyes jokingly. "Yes" Brendon laughed and jumped over the seat to the third row. I did the same and slammed down onto him, causing him to groan in pain. Spencer and I laughed and Spencer jumped into the 3rd row with us.

We all messed around and talked until it got late into the night, where it was pitch black and the only lights were from the lamp posts outside.

Regardless of the endless phone calls from my family, I continued to have fun without a worry.


We had finally reached the end of our trip, the part I had been dreading the most.

Flash Back:

Of course, things just got worse with my parents, and I was starting to wonder if this was how it was going to be forever with them. We haven't always had the most perfect relationship- but now it seemed like our family was falling apart.

Luckily, I had a plan for that.

I watched as the boys started to clean up the van a little more so that we wouldn't have to deal with it when we get back. I look down at my fully packed bag that was sitting at my feet. "Hey, you ready to go?" Spencer says, making my head pop up. "Um, well." I look away from his eyes, not wanting to know what his reaction was about to be. "'Well' what?" He asks.

"I was sort of hoping you guys could leave me here, and go home without me."

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