Choke Back Tears

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The next morning I walked to the kitchen to get breakfast. My parents were also in there too. "Hey Jess, take some eggs and sausage" my mom offered. I took some off the pans and sat down at the table with my family following me. "So Jess" my dad started in between bites, "What kind of sport do you want to do?" he asked. This again? Seriously? "None dad, I don't want to do a sport." I mummered. "You can't just be a lazy ass all day, you have to do something" he replied. "You're dad's right, Jay, try soccer or something" my mom joined in. I shook my head and continued to eat. When I went to place my fork down on the table, it dropped from my hand and onto the floor. "Jess pick that up and get another one" my dad said, "unless it's too much exercise for you." he laughed.

"I just don't want to do a sport! What's wrong with that!" I forced. I was so done with this conversation. It starts up almost every meal I have with them. "So you're just going to sit here, do nothing, and get fat?" I got up and walked to my room. That was it. I grabbed my backpack and walked straight out the door. Trying to hold back from crying, I started heading towards the school.

About halfway through the walk, I realized I was still in what I slept in, so I dug through my bag and found my black sweater to match my black jeans and slipped it over my head. I walked onto campus and walked to my next class, still heartbroken from earlier. When I got into the hall Brendon saw me. "Hey what's up?" he chanted running up to me, then noticed I looked upset.

"Hey what's wrong?" he asked, standing infront of me with his hands on my arms. "What happened? Are you okay?" He said, trying to look at my face that was looking at the ground. I nodded my head and whispered "I'm fine." and went to wipe the tears that were starting to slip through. "Jess-" Brendon started and pulled me into a warm hug. He is my friend, so I should be able to cry infront of him, right?

I went along and let everything out, crying into his shoulder. He rested his chin on my shoulder and hand his fingers through my hair. I heard the bell ring through my sobs, but I didn't care; I don't think Brendon did either.

I made my finishing sobs and pulled away. "Wanna talk about it?" Brendon asked. I really didn't, so I just shook my head. He held out his arm to take and so I did, and we made our way to class.

When we walked in, I could still feel eyes on me even though the incident happened over a week ago. Never got a grade for that project. We sat down in our assigned seats and Mrs. Jameson scolded us for being late.

"Thank you for joining us, Brendon and Jess. We're talking about the Civil War, page 272 in the text book." At least she was being nice about us coming in late. I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw him holding a note in the same hand. I took it and read it. 'you ready for the trip? Won't it be your first time sneaking out?' it read. I laughed and scribbled down a 'yeah for both. hbu?' onto the note and handed it back. I turned around to see him eagerly nodding his head and smiling.

I turned back around to my textbook, pretending to read whatever's inside. A little while I got another tap on my shoulder, receiving another note from the twat himself. 'I'm excited. I hope we'll get to sleep together ;) Also, remember I'm picking you up tonight'. I crumpled the note up and threw it at his face and he laughed. As much as I became actually creeped out, I knew he was joking, but it started to make me think:

Was he just being my friend to fuck me?

What was really going to happen on the trip?

Has he actually had sex before?

I was a virgin, and I knew that I did not want to lose my virginity because I was tricked into thinking that two guys actually wanted to be my friend. But the thing was with Brendon, I felt safe with him. He seemed to genuinely care, and how mean could he be when he has a smile like that?

I looked down at the desk, getting more in depth with my thoughts. I DID feel safe with him. I felt like I could tell him anything. He had a smile that could never let anyone down, and more importantly, he would never let me down.

Maybe that's why I fell for him.


I can't tell if these chapters are short or long or what lol. At least they're not those 3 sentence pages that people make so they can get more reads. smh.

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