Indifference or Disinterest

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I stayed silent for most of the period, hoping it will all just figure itself out. I went home and texted Brendon, who took almost 2 hours to finally text back. When we got a conversation going, we decided to talk on the phone.

When he first said "hi", it sounded dull. I responded with a 'hi' back, and we began to talk. After about 20 minutes, it became an awkward silence, where I decided to ask the question that was worrying me all day. "Brendon, are you okay?". There was a moment of silence, but he finally gave an "I guess" and the silence fell back over us. "What happened?" I asked, even though I kinda knew. "The truth?" He sighed. "Mm-hm"

"My old girlfriend came back" he plainly stated. "She dropped off the face of the earth about 4 months ago, and I haven't heard from her since. I think just seeing her okay as if nothing ever happened just kind of put me down."

"Did you guys talk yet?"


"What did she say?"

"She said she was sorry but she wouldn't say anything about what happened."

I pressed my lips together aching to get my second question out. "Brendon?"


"Are you going to choose her over me?"

Once again, silence. I waited for an answer, but the line was silent. I realized that it was a stupid thing to ask, considering she was already his and I  was not.

"Never mind, you don't have to answer that-"

"No, I'm not. I like you a lot, and I'm not going to give that up for someone who just left me." My heart started to race after hearing that, but I couldn't help but think that he said that because I asked.

"So what's going to happen with her?"

"I don't know."

I changed the topic and we hung up about a half hour later, so I was stuck with nothing to do. I start to think about sneaking out to the concert on Friday.

My parents did get mad about not being at home that next morning of the concert, but I didn't tell them where I was or who with. Of course, things just got worse with them, and I was starting to wonder if this was how it was going to be forever with them; we haven't always had the most perfect relationship- but now it seemed like our family was falling apart.

Luckily, I had a plan for that.

I passed the week through until Thursday. Brendon got back on his usual sassy and overprotective attitude, and everything was normal; until today.

I went into my 3rd period which was math. I was working on my homework during the extra time that we had, but was disrupted by someone infront of my desk. "Hey-uh-" I looked up when I heard a voice directed at me. "Jess?" I say, knowing that she probably didn't know my name. She was a cute girl with short blonde hair cut at her shoulders, settling blue eyes and winged eyeliner. (girl in the pic above) "Yeah, Jess, Mr. Hall said you could help me with this homework, since I'm new here?" She said and smiled. "Uhm, sure" I said and watched her take the empty desk next to me. "By the way, my name's Savannah."

I stopped. My heart stopped beating and my lungs stopped breathing. She showed me which problems she was having trouble with, but my mind was a mesh talking to her, but I hoped she wouldn't notice. "Oh so you're Brendon's new girl, right?" She asked, with what looked like a genuine smile on her face. "We're just friends" I said, realizing I've never said it out loud before. "Oh.." Her smile dropped. "You know who I am, right?" she asked as sincerely as anyone could seem. "Yeah, I've heard a little bit" I said, not knowing what to say about it. "Then do you mind answering a personal question? It's kind of important"

"Yeah, sure" I replied, knowing it was going to be about Brendon. "Do you know if Brendon still likes me? Or- at least is up for giving me another chance?" Of course. What else would she ask? "Um, I can't speak on his behalf, maybe he has hidden feelings. But, all I know is that he wasn't in a good mood when he saw you on Monday" her face dropped. "But maybe he'll get over it soon" I eased, hoping I didn't just cause major issues. Her smile returned, "I think he'll take me back, he's nice like that, he should forgive me" she perked, grabbing her papers and walking away to her desk. "Bye." She said, and I waved her off.

After the class was over, I walked to lunch where the boys were already sitting. We began to start talking about the plans for tomorrow, but with our luck, she  came over.

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