Better to Burn Than Fade Away

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We all stopped our talking and laughing to watch her come our way. How did she even now where we sit? Better yet, WHY is she coming towards us? She finally came closer and set her food down in our little circle, inbetween me and Brendon. "Hey" She said, as if nothing out of the ordinary was going on. I guess she soon noticed our stunned silence, so she spoke up, "I don't have anyone to eat lunch with" She said looking at all of us, "And, uh, I was hoping I could sit with you guys?" Dead silence.

"Uh, yeah, sure" Brendon spoke for all of us. She smiled and we gradually started a conversation. Speaker and I were talking about how shitty most of our teachers are when we stopped to hear what Savannah was a saying: "Brendon, please?" She begged, and Brendon shook his head. "No" he plainly said, putting his head in his hands.. Savannah looked up at me saying one of the worst things I can imagine, "Jess said that you'd forgive me and take me back. She told me last period."

All eyes went on me. Brendon's head slowly lifted up in my direction. "No I didn't! I can't speak on his behalf! I said maybe he'll forgive you, never that it was a for-sure thing!" I yelled. "So you're not going to forgive me? I told you I can't tell you why I left!" She looked over at Brendon. "How am I supposed to forgive you if I don't know what I'm forgiving?" He silently said, looking back at her. Her face was expressionless, and without another word, she got up and walked back to wherever she came from.

"I'm sorry" I whispered once she was out of earshot. Brendon shook his head and held his arm out, in which was wrapped around my shoulder as I went to side hug him (picture above, just imagine it as Jess and Brendon and sitting down)

The bell rang over the intercom and we got up to head to our last class. "Jess" I heard from behind me, "See you tonight" he smiled, turning back around.

After getting home, I started to jump around from excitement, not knowing where we were going. Spencer was fun to be with, but sometimes it was fun to just be with Brendon. At about 4, I heard the door knock. I grabbed my phone and some money, then rushed over. "Hey" he cracked a smile as soon as I opened the door, and leaned in to give me a little kiss on the cheek. "You ready?" He asked, grabbing my hand and leading me to the car, where he opened the door for me and got into the driver's side.

After about a 5 minute drive, we end up at a small pizza place, in which we have come for another date, and once with Spencer. "I'll go order for us, be right back." He said, leaving me at a table and walking towards the front counter. I'll have to admit, he had a cute butt.

He came back a few minutes later with a pizza and two drinks in to-go cups. "Let's go" he said, leading me out of the restaurant. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

We walked to the car and he drove to an unknown place. We drove into the desert, where there were no communities and turned straight into an unpaved trail to where I couldn't tell where we were. He drove up a decent sized mountain, and parked at the very top of it. It was already getting dark, so you could see the city lights. He got out and pulled a blanket on the floor, then put the food on it and sat down, waiting for me.

We both began to eat and watched as the sky turned black then started a conversation. I grabbed another piece and immediately took a huge bite. "Woah, slow down piggy, it's not going anywhere" He laughed. I smashed that pizza he was holding in his hand on his face and started laughing too hard. "Hey, smartass" he called, smashing a piece of pizza back in my face. We both began laughing really hard. He looked over to me, and pulled me in for what I was hoping was a kiss; instead, he licked the side of my face taking all the sauce off. "Eww Brendon!" I laughed, but he pulled me back in for an actual kiss. We were both smiling into it, when he pulled away to wipe everything off of his face, me doing the same, then continuing the kiss. He pulled me up onto his lap and securely wrapped his arms around my waist, and mine around his neck. We pulled back and I rested my head in the crook of his neck, watching the city below light up.

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