Desperate for Attention

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I heard the doorbell ring from across the room. I opened it to see a tired-looking Spencer, in baggy sweats and a grey t-shirt. "Hey what's up?" He said with his hands in his pickets. "Didn't you call me a few hours ago about PLANNING to hang out?" I rolled my eyes. "Yeah well I figured since your parents aren't home.." I raised my eyebrows, suspicious of where this was going. "Maybe that Brendon and I could come over and just chillax" he smiled. I shook my head laughing and let him come in. "You can go sit on the couch, I'll be right back" I said, walking into my room and changing into a giant tshirt and exercise shorts, even though you couldn't see them under my shirt. I walked back out and sat on the couch next to Spencer.

"So how was the date last night?" he winked at me.

"It wasn't a date, he just took me to a concert."

"Yeah but I've never seen him take any girl out" he said. "Plus you stayed the night"

I laughed, knowing what he was thinking of. "We didn't fuck, Spencer, you nasty ass"

We laughed about it until I head the doorbell ring again. I got up and opened it to a Brendon, who was wearing his pajama pants and a plain t-shirt. "Hey beautiful, long time-no see" he said, giving me a quick peck and pushing past me to get inside. I laughed and followed him to the couch, were me and Brendon stayed cuddled in the corner and Soemcer layed himself out on the couch, not paying attention to the TV at all.

"Hey, let's watch a movie" Brendon suggested. I grabbed the remote and started looking through movies on Netflix and Hulu, until we decided on some scary movie.

"Hey Jess, can I invite my girlfriend over? She's nice, I promise she won't trash your house" Spencer asked with puppy dogs eyes.

"Woah, Spencer has a girlfriend that finally wants to hang out?" Brendon laughed.

"Yeah, she can come" I smiled, watching him retreat back to his phone.

A few minutes after, we heard a knock at the door, in which Spencer jumped up to get to it first. Him and a cute girl with short, blonde hair came into the room. "This is Lexi, and this is Brendon and Jess" She smiled and waved, "Oh is this the cute couple that you've been talking about?" I laughed as Brendon threw a pillow at Spencer, striking him in the head. We all laughed and waited for the movie to start.

"Cute couple, huh?" Brendon whispered into my ear, taking hold of my hand. I snuggled into his chest and watched as Spencer closed all the blinds in the room to darken it, and go back to Lexi to cuddle with her.

The movie went on, and we got into a suspenseful part of the movie, where the girl was searching though the house for the killer. My heart began to ache just waiting for the pop-scare, then "BOO!" Brendon screamed, poking the sides of my waist, sending me jumping off of the couch. Lexi and Spencer were a little startled by it too, but we were all laughing.

"You're so mean" I complained, crossing my arms over my chest. "I'm sorry, forgive me?" Brendon said, smiling innocently and holding out his arms. I tilted my head showing that I wasn't going to fogive him. "I'm sorrryyyy" he said, grabbing my hands and pulling me back down to him. He wrapped his arms securely around me as I did with him and continued the movie.

The suspense music started to get louder and louder, showing that something was about to happen. I dug my face into Brendon's chest, taking in his scent as he held me tighter. You could hear one of the actors scream, and Spencer mutter a "shit", indicating he got surprised by whatever was on the screen.

I looked back at the screen that no longer had any daring music or suspicious parts and continued to watch.

The longer the movie went on, the more and more I wanted from Brendon. We've been attached to this movie and I couldn't just sit here as he payed full attention to the TV, possibly even forgetting that I'm right next to him. Realizing that I was just overreacting and this is how movies were supposed to be, I let it slide and go back to the movie.

He has no reason to be paying attention to me, right?

I'm not his.


Hey guys okay, so I just wanted to say something real quick: I've been kind of avoiding reading other people's stories for a little so that I can focus on writing this one, but something in me urged me to read a book called Guns and Roses by sarahfgreene , and let me tell you, it had the most amazing into I could ever fucking imagine ever for a story. It was beyond perfect, and she didn't tell me to write this, intact, I don't think she knows I exist lol. But I highly suggest you go check that story out, because I've never read anything like it. Anyways, see you guys in the next update :P

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