Throwing a Line Out To Sea To See If I Can Catch A Dream

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"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked sharply. What does he mean I 'push everyone away'? I haven't pushed anyone away. And if he's talking about himself, I was just asking  why he was being nice to me all of the sudden.

"It's supposed to mean why do you push everyone away" He said sarcastically. "You weren't accepting  to me sitting here, you didn't talk to me all science-" "Was I supposed  to just let you into my life? I have never talked to you before, and you just come into it an hour ago and expect us to be best friends!" I yelled. We've just started talking and we're already fighting. Fun.

"Oh so you didn't push Ella away, Macy, Brock, no one away?" I sat there in awe. What the hell was this guy's deal? "You have no business talking about my life, my decisions, or joining in on my time. If you have a problem then fuck off!" I said.

Brendon POV

That one hurt, not going to lie. Spencer gave me a look; he knew I just wanted to be able to look out for someone, and that someone was Jess. I have never talked to her before today, but from everything Spencer has said, I want to be able to talk to her. So far, it's not going too well.

I'm an only child, but I have that personality of someone who has a million siblings.

Deciding that I didn't want to argue, I muttered an "okay, sorry" and looked back at my sandwich. I did bring that out of no where, and I knew from the moment I said it that I really wasn't my business. But I still knew. She had rejected being even acquiesces with them, but at one point or another she broke and let them in. I just needed to get to that point.

The bell filled the empty space with ringing and we all remained silent and walked to our next class.

Jess Pov

I don't know what that was. It was completely unnecessary for him to mention that. He didn't know anything about me, did he?

I walked silently to my last class, which just so happened to be with Spencer. He was following me to the room, not bothering to tall and probably feeling sorry and weird about what just happened.

We walked into the open-seated room and he sat across from me at the table. The class began and we continued to work in silence until he finally spoke up.

"He just wants to care for someone." He looked up at me, "Give him a chance, you'll warm up to him." he said going back to his writing. "So you guys are just setting up a friendship with me? I haven't talked to you in years, and now you want me to be a part of your friend trio?" I asked. He let out a sigh and looked back at me. "Are you rejecting our friendship?" He raised his eyebrows.
"No, I'm just wondering why all of the sudden we're best friends."

"Just give him a chance- and me too- please? We'll have fun."

I shook my head. It was tempting, but I didn't want him to think I'd just give in.
"What do you guys do, smoke weed or something?" I asked. He chuckled and shook his head, "No, we just hang out and mess around. Is that too much nuisance for you?" He joked. I rolled my eyes and smiled at him. "We're going to Mesquite in a few months, you should come with us." He smirked. Mesquite?! How the hell would my parents let me go there with two boys? That's a few hour drive from Vegas. "It's only an hour and a half drive, I'm telling my parents that I'm going to Brendon's and he'll do the same with mine. Just say you're going to a friend's house and we'll pick you up." he offered. I gave him a blank stare. I've never snuck out of Las Vegas, let alone hang out with boys. "Jess, it will be fine. We'll all be good friends by the end of it."


This will be a mistake

I was writing this at work and Victorious came on the radio lol ironic

This chapter seemed kind of short of but I hope you liked :)

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