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Okay, sorry, but i really need to rant about something real quick.

so I was reading this book on wattpad, i dunno, maybe 3 months ago. I read up to the last updated part, and at the time, it had been maytbe 3 weeks since the author last updated. So, of course, I'm waiting for this to update for maybe another week or so for it to update. 

last updated: 1 month ago (their book not this book)

Now, I know I only waited like 1/4 of that time, but it still kinda made me upset knowing many people were waiting for this amazing book to update (this person had a huge following and reading). The author claimed to have been in the middle of moving houses, and hasn't had the time to write; which, I understand: moving takes some effort and time, and they're busy. But here's where I get mad.

TWO MONTHS go by, and finally they update it again: but not as a new chapter. In this new update (which is titled "Surprise"), the author's note starts with, and I quote:

"The more of you that participate in this, the sooner the chapter is coming."

last updated: 3 months ago

The note was basically just a huge rambling note told the readers to ask questions to the author about the story, characters, etc. They said that the more questions there are, the sooner every chapter will come.

OKAY. First off, this is not a "surprise". This is you, wanting to feel like this book has some importance in people's lives, to you hold it against them to ask questions. If you don't want to update your own book, at least have some decency to put it on hold or something, not just keep teasing your followers. Mind you, the whole time they were posting on their conversations page about how the update would be coming soon, and how they had so many plans for the book.

Second, they said in the end of the chapter that for every comment they see that tells them to update, they will not update for a week. Are you fucking kidding.

I'm soooo sorry that we wanted an update to continue reading. I'm so sorry that you keep taunting us, saying you'll update. I'm so sorry you're fucking lazy and can't keep up with what you started. If you said you didn't want to continue the book (or at least stop it for a while), then nobody would be mad. You're writing for the "fans", not because you actually like to write.

But anyways, thank you for sticking through with my little rant, and if you know who this is, please don't say it in the comments, I'll just delete it. (and I won't update for a week for every comment) (that was a joke) (i was being funny) (pls don't hate me)

(Update on March 14, 2017. I wrote this around July of 2016, and they've still only updated twice with actual chapters; surprise sruprise, no huge or good updates have been made, so it's not like I was being over dramatic about this.)

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