It Feels Like My Heart is Going to Burst

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Getting into his car, we started driving off to my house. I stayed silent, stuck on the thought of wondering if I creeped him out by wanting to hug him and be around him. Brendon eventually took notice of me being quiet. "Hey, you okay?" He asked, looking over to me. "Yeah, I'm okay, I just remembered that it's my first time sneaking out. My parents will be mad when I get home." I replied, realizing that I haven't checked my phone all night. Turning it on, there were no missed calls or texts from either my mom or dad, so it made me wonder if they even came home.

"If you want, you can come into my house to sleep, if you don't want to be bothered by them." he offered. Maybe if I got back home tomorrow morning before anyone notices, I can get past it. "You sure?" I asked, trying to seem like I wasn't too excited to do it, but deep inside me, my stomach was doing flips. "Yeah I'm sure" He said, taking a turn into what I'm guessing was his community.

We pulled up into the driveway of a two-story house. "Are your parents here?" I asked. "Yeah, so be quiet when we get inside." He said, leading me to the side of the house, where there was a window. He slowly pulled the window up and climbed inside, gesturing me to follow. Going through the little space, I land in a pile of clothes and take in my surroundings. "Welcome to my suite" 

Looking around the dark, unlit room, I find scattered posters of rock bands and events, a bed placed against one wall, a desk, and a few different instruments in one corner. "You tired?" he asked, making me snap up. I nodded my head. "You can take the bed, I'll be right back." He said walking out of the room. I walked over and sat on the bed, not knowing what to do. He came back with a blanket and pillow and layed them out on the floor. "I'll take the floor, I don't want to kick you out of your bed." I told him. He rolled his eyes. "I'm not sleeping on the bed while you sleep on the floor." He said. "Then I guess we're both sleeping on the floor." I retorted, getting under the blanket he had set out on the floor. He shrugged and got underneath the blanket with me, facing opposite from me. "Rude" I mutter and rolled my eyes. He heard my comment and turned to face me. "You wanted me?" He raised an eyebrow. I could hardly see his face, seeing that the only light was coming from the window. "I don't like when people reject me." I said.

"I wasn't rejecting you"

"Yeah but you weren't facing me, so I felt like you didn't want to be with me."

"I wouldn't have invited you over if I didn't want you here"

Thank god he couldn't see me turning red. I looked around the room to find something to change the subject, and saw the dark outline of a Frank Sinatra poster I was looking at earlier. "Who's Frank Sinatra?"

He quickly sat up, looking down at me. "You've never heard Frank Sinatra?!" He whisper-yelled. "No.." I said slowly. He got up and walked towards the bed and grabbed what I was assuming was his phone. He layed back onto his side so we were facing each other and put the phone inbetween us on the floor, playing the intro to a song I didn't know.

I heard him quietly singing the words ad I laughed. "Are you his biggest fan?" I asked. "No, but I'm pretty close." He said. "Like what do you know?" I questioned him. He started talking about this guy non-stop, as if he was a perfect new record with no scratches.

I listened to him talk for a while, until I guess he noticed how long he was talking and looked at me. "You wanna talk about this morning?" He asked. I had almost forgot that it happened, I was so focused on Brendon all day. "umm, I don't know" I said, not wanting it to get awkward. "You can tell me if you want, I won't judge." He said to me."I just got into a little argument with my parents."

Silence. "Most people don't come out crying when they get into 'little' argument." He mentioned. "It was a reasonable topic, but they made something else out of it." He nodded, knowing not to budge me. "IM SORRRRYYYYYYYYYYYY" He whisper-yelled and rolled himself onto of me, grabbing me into a tight hug and started tickling me. "Bren- Brendon! Stop! Stop!" I laughed quietly so no one would wake up. He only chuckled at my attempt to get free and continued to jab at my sides. "Brendon!" I almost yelled, but he placed his hand on my mouth to stop me from doing so, taking a rest on tickling my sides. "Shut up" He laughed, and took his hand from my face.

He sat up, still pinning me down and looked down at me. I looked into his eyes, which were glistening from the moonlight. There was a comfortable silence between us, with his phone playing music in the background. He slowly lowered his face closer to mine to the point where I could feel his breath on my lips.

It was all quiet, and I could feel my heart beating out of my chest. I wanted him to kiss me. I needed him to kiss me; because for him to taunt me everyday by not being his was starting to kill me inside. But he wasn't moving; just hovering over me as if he was second guessing weather he wanted to make a move or not.

Sitting back up straight, he got off of me and lied next to me as he was earlier. "We should go to sleep, it's 2am" He stated, and shut of him phone. What the fuck was that?

I sat there in awe as he just completely flat out rejected me. If he wasn't going to do it, then he shouldn't have made me wait for it. I wondered if I should say something or just keep quiet. But knowing me, I almost never do that.

"What was that!? Did you really just reject me without words!?" I exclaimed as quietly as I could, but still showing him that I was angry. I heard him groan, and without warning connected his lips with mine, pushing my head onto the pillow. He was hovering over me like before, except not pinning me down this time. His fat lips joined perfectly with mine as they swayed together passionately. He placed a hand on the side of my face, holding us perfectly together.

He pulled away after some time and looked down upon me. "Happy?" He asked sarcastically, though I took it more seriously than i should have. "Not unless you are." I said, feeling that he didn't think the same way as I did about him, and he only kissed me to shut me up. "You know I'm happy about it." He said cockily, pulling me up against his chest and wrapping his arm around my waist.

Listening to his breathing match up with mine, I closed my eyes and started to drift off to sleep.

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