the girl who cried rape | storytime

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*before you read, just know that no one who has been a victim of sexual assault should ever be told they're lying and no one should ever lie about it*

On the week of my birthday (this past December), I had a group of friends come over (not for me, they just wanted to go to a party nearby, great friends). My one friend Taylor was the only one who came for me (the real og) but she was pretty sick.

There was Taylor, M, K and A.

For my parents to trust me (and my friends) to go to a party was a pretty big deal. The rules were that we weren't aloud to drink and we had to be home by 11. The party started at 8 so it gave us a couple hours.

The reason why we couldn't drink (other than the fact that we were underage) was that if the party was crashed by the cops and we were caught, our parents would be called and with my dad's work, that's a pretty big deal. I didn't want my dad to get in trouble.

We got to the party and guess what happens? M, K and A all start drinking. I was so pissed, if we went home and got caught, my parents would never trust me again. I was so angry, I had a beer (I don't think, I do and I didn't drink much or feel anything for that matter).

M acted drunk when she wasn't, she had less than one beer. Taylor really wasn't feeling good (plus she had to work early the next morning) so she left the party and got picked up. M, K and A were pissed and flipping at her. I felt so bad because she was apologizing, I told her it was okay, I wasn't going to be mad at her. She was really sick and needed rest.
K and M just sat there making up shit like usual.

A left the party to go for a walk with this guy she liked but she failed to tell anyone where she was going. She was gone for a while and soon enough, we had to go. I started texting her and asking her where she was. She wouldn't text back and when she did, she was pissed at me.

The walk home was 20 minutes, we were supposed to home by 11. But because of A, we didn't leave till 11:30.

The whole night, A was whining about how bad she felt. The boy she like kissed her and she didn't kiss him back because she was surprised. She felt bad because when he knew she wasn't kissing back, he pulled away and said "wow rejected" and laughed.

A couple days later, A got mad at this guy because they hadn't spoken (wtf). She came up to me and ranted about it. I remember what she said at the end, too.
She said it with her as wide as she 'realized'.
"If I would have let him kiss me, he would've raped me."

1. If you kissed him back, that would be a consensual kiss.

2. He pulled away.

She then went around telling everyone he tried to rape her. She talked to the host of the party (who this guy was friends with) and got him kicked out.

I was so fucking disgusted. You do not go around making up shit like that. There are actual people who have been sexually assaulted and have gone through so much.

The girl who cried rape was one of the most disgusting people I have ever met.

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