[food for thought] God doesn't "hate gays"

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[disclaimer: this is not to be disrespectful to anyone, even though homophobics have  no problem doing so

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[disclaimer: this is not to be disrespectful to anyone, even though homophobics have  no problem doing so. I grew  up in a strictly Catholic home. I prayed every night. I read the bible. This is just my perspective as someone who grew up in a religious home and the things my parents taught me]

   Believing in God was once a huge part of my life. That was until I was introduced to the hateful side of Catholicism. 

  I would like to note that I was always taught that God would love you know matter what. He would love you no matter your sexuality or your colour of skin. I was also taught that you could find him wherever you are.

  However, my faith started to fade as I was introduced to social media. Growing up, I never really knew what homophobia was because I genuinely thought that everyone would be able to love and accept each other. It was on social media that I witnessed the ongoing hatred on pride posts' comments, the "God Hates Gays" signs, and the anti-homosexuality videos. What disgusted me was this excuse to be hateful.

  This was when I realized that I was not praying to the same God that they were. 

  I was praying to God- the one who would love us all no matter what. They were praying to God- the one who hated his own children for something they could not change. 

  I stopped praying. I stopped reading. I stopped believing. 

  This was not the God that I grew up believing in. 

  Truth be told, I haven't believed in God for years. 

   But now, looking back at this, I see that there is a little bit of common sense that these people missed. 

  If God created man, that means he created every single biological aspect. That includes attraction and sexuality, which cannot be changed. So, truly, if God hated homosexuality so damn much, why would he let it happen? That's the thing, he wouldn't. 

  The piece of advice I would give myself if I could go back is this: Until God writes his own bible, I will choose not to believe someone else's words. And I will not let someone's unjustified hatred let me lose my faith. 

  This is not up for debate in the comments. You have your opinion, I have mine. But just because you have an opinion does not mean that you have the right to spread your hate speech. And no, your freedom of speech does not protect you from that, it limits it. Before you choose to judge someone for their sexuality, know this: sexuality cannot be changed and it's ridiculous to bully someone for being different than you.

  Would you rather have someone be able to accept themselves and their sexuality or stay unhappy and ashamed for the rest of their life? So many young lives are taken because of homophobia and bullying. Stop the hate and start learning respect. 

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