I will not apologize

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Over the past year, I've been trying to get rid of negative people in my life. I had people who made me question myself and my body. They made me just hate myself even more. One thing I never wanted to do was question my recovery. I made a choice to change. I wanted to be healthy and happy. Unfortunately, some people got in the way of that. I started to question myself and my goals. That is something I never wanted to do. But with doing this, by stopping friendships with negative people, i haven't had the best response. I've had lots of things said about me, probably by people on here as well that i am no longer friends with. What really makes me sad and angry is that they pushed even more negativity onto me after, proving that they were the people I did not want in my life. If you have heard anything about me, I encourage you to let me know. Ask any questions you have, I don't mind.
I'm writing this to say one thing, to the people at school and on wattpad that i am no longer friends with:
I will not apologize for leaving all the negativity behind. I will not apologize for wanting to be happy. And I will not apologize for 'hurting' those people, because all they did was hurt me and bring me down.

A tip for the new year:
  You don't need negativity in your life. You deserve better. You deserve happiness.

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