sexual assault isn't a slap on the wrist

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The Stanford rapist got a slap on the wrist, that's very much true. He raped a young woman, do you not understand? I don't care about his future as a swimmer, I don't care about his skin colour, I don't even care for his name. I care about that young woman living the rest of her life after being raped while her rapist got to return to his university. I care about all the men and woman who are victims of sexual assault. I care about all the ones who will speak up about it. I care about the fact that these people had their lives stolen away from them because someone couldn't control your sexual urges. I don't care how much you want sex or are attracted to someone, sexual assault is never the fucking answer. She wanted to have a good night, she wanted to have fun. She didn't want to be raped. She didn't deserve to be raped. No one deserves that. Sexual assault victims need to be taken more seriously. Every victim deserves justice. They shouldn't get only six months or less. They deserve to spend the rest of their lives in jail rotting from the inside out like their victims are doing right now. And how much they drink or the clothes they wear should not determine conviction. They're not "asking for it". You're basically telling others that it's okay to touch or rape them, that it's okay to violate them, that the amount of skin you show is an open invitation for assault. The clothes you wear doesn't give another consent. If you believe that I'm wrong on this, please leave. I hate people who try to use excuses for sexual assault.

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