3 am thoughts

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I've been trying to go to sleep but my thoughts are all over the place. I think about all my friends that lie to me and go behind my back. I think about how they won't be there for me. I'm okay with having a friend be friends with someone I don't get along with bc that doesn't involve them. But if you saw person a treating person b like shit and making them feel disgusting about themselves, would you still be friends with person a? or would you just let it go on and continue your friendship with person a? would you let them into your group of friends and watch as they made person b feel like shit? I feel selfish for wanting them to hate her for the way she made me feel. I'm selfish for wanting my friends to protect me the way I protected them. I'm selfish for wanting them to do the same thing I would do. I'm selfish for wanting the girl who made me hate myself even more than I already do to be alone. I'm selfish for wanting her to feel the pain I felt when I was around her. I'm selfish for wanting my friends for once to choose me. I'm selfish for wanting them to care about me. I'm selfish for wanting them to not talk to her. I'm selfish for wanting them to be my friends not her friends.

im literally going to go back to school and have nobody left but Friends that live in completely different countries.

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