being a woman in 2016

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being a woman in 2016

  The Media. The biggest perpetrator out there. The clothes I wear choose my fate. Take it off, that's hot. Keep it on, you slut. The job I get still won't give me enough pay, 5 years and the new guy is somehow getting more than me. Don't wear makeup, guys like it when you look natural. Wear makeup, you look better with it. My size will forever be a problem. We love curves! but any extra cellulite and you're out. Skinny is more beautiful! How beautiful is it when my ribs stick out and I haven't eaten in a week? Everything relates back to your period. Sad? Is it that time of the month? Hungry? Cravings at it again? Oh and remember boys, steer clear of girls when it's that time. You definitely shouldn't take care of them and help them feel better. It's not like we're bleeding out or anything. Gotta go to the doctor, not feeling good today. Gosh, doc, my throat really hurts. Is there any chance you're pregnant? Oh, I'm sorry Doctor I didn't realize that fetuses grow in throats. I have sex with my boyfriend of one year. He's a champ, taking my virginity like that. I'm a slut though. I have trust issues. Yeah, I'm a bitch because I don't trust you. Never thought I had to. I'm 16 and pregnant. I don't know what to do. The father isn't in the picture, I'm too young for a baby. Giving birth does a lot of damage to a body especially one not fully developed. I know I'd never be able to give the baby the life they deserve. I get an abortion. Suddenly, I'm a murderer. I'm at the zoo, it's my little guy's first time here. I hide away in a corner to breastfeed, he's starving. Now, a young man is yelling at me, calling me disgusting. Funny how when a boob isn't displayed for your pleasure, you flip out. Otherwise, you'd be all over an attractive naked woman. I come to school late, bruises on my face. My boyfriend doesn't like it when I speak. No one says anything. I'm 18, first year of college. On my way home from a friends dorm room, I have to walk on a lit up pathway clinging on to a whistle. You see, if I just so happen to get raped, I have to blow the whistle for help. I wouldn't need a whistle in the first place if it wasn't for your lack of security. My little girl is 10. I had to speak to her teacher today, she was beat up on the school yard. If a boy is mean to you, it means he likes you! Great, even teachers want my child to grow up thinking that abuse is love. I'm 22, I basically live in the bar downstairs from my apartment. I stand in the corner as my husband flirts with every girl that walks in. I thank a man who handed me a glass of water, my face was flushed today. And when I get home, I know what's coming. Another bruised rib, a black eye and bruises on my wrists. This wouldn't have happened if my teachers hadn't told me that if a boy is mean, he likes you. He's really mean now, does that mean he loves me Miss? I'm travelling the world, I love learning about different cultures. But I shouldn't have to cover up my face just because I am a woman. I'm in class and my shirt is a little baggy. It slips a little off my shoulder as I'm taking notes. The teacher points it out and sends me to the office. I'm sorry, Mister, is my shoulder bothering you? My best friend was in court today, I went out to support her. She cried on the stand as she told them the awful events that had happened after the party. The man who hurt her goes up next. He couldn't help himself, with that dress she was wearing she was asking for it. Just because you can't control your sexual urges, doesn't mean she has to suffer. I'm in the school assembly, girls only. A woman comes in to talk to us about sexual assault and self defence. They teach us girls not to get raped, but they don't teach the boys not to rape.

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