Chapter 1 - Business as Usual

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Monday 7.15am

The blaring alarm that I had set the night before woke me from my peaceful, dreamless sleep, and I fumbled at my alarm clock until I found the button to silence the  room. My phone held 3 unread messages from Aaliyah, a young woman of 24 that I met on my flight to the US from England, that had become a close friend to me. She had been visiting her grandparents in Exeter, but lived in San Diego, only a mere 1 hour and 45 minute drive from me.

7.15. Not by any means was this my ideal time to wake up, but it gave me enough time to get myself together and head down to see my lousy agent Grant, who I had a  feeling would get fired very soon. Having only starred in one commercial since I moved to California a couple of months ago, Grant was getting me nowhere, and even though I wasn't exactly in a situation that allowed me to pick and choose casting agents, still barely living on the money I had saved to move on top of the money I received from that lone  commercial, if I wanted to make it in this industry, I had to be  thorough. With that thought in mind, I peeled the covers off, shivering as the air hit my body, and trudged to the bathroom.


My heels clicked along the floor as I rounded the corner to Grant's office. I'm not sure why I  continued to buy heels with my lack of money, I wasn't even sure if I  liked them all that much, maybe it was something to do with wanting to make a statement. As I approached the heavy dark wood door, I knocked forcefully, knowing full well he was sitting inside (he always left his door only slightly ajar, something to do with "making the clients feel welcome"), sipping his latte at his desk, and not doing much else, but I guess that  was something we had in common, as I clutched my coffee in my hand.

"Come on in" I heard him say, and I followed through. I didn't say anything as I walked in and closed the door behind me, my first greeting to him being a curse word  as I spilled my coffee down my left leg. "Shit, I swear to god if I don't get any good news in the next couple of minutes I'm moving back to  England and that is a promise."

Grant stared at me, a slight smirk plastered on his ageing face. "Penelope darling I've been in touch with Mali Finn – a casting director". As if that was meant to  mean something to me. "....And?" I asked. He leaned back in his chair  and looked around the room, then leaned back in, staring at me so  intensely that I almost felt uncomfortable "Oh come on I've been working  my ass off trying to boost your career, I see your potential, and that's all I get? 'And?'" I sighed in exasperation, running a hand through my hair "No I didn-"
"Mali's responsible for so many successful careers, you wouldn't believe" he said, more composed and calm than just  a few moments ago. If 'Mali' could get me a job, a real one, that's all  I needed, and I could go from there.

I nodded, "Okay, I'm  interested, and thank you Grant, really, it's just know  with my lack of financial stability I'm desperate and....thank you so  much. I was beginning to doubt you- doubt myself....I don't know. What's  the role for?"

I could see the twinkle  in his eye again, one that told me he had something up his sleeve, one  that hinted at good news and in that moment, I couldn't have loved this  man more. Sighing in anticipation, I wiped my palms on my trousers,  forgetting I had ever even spilled my coffee on them, my now even damper  hands serving as a reminder. "Rose. Rose Dewitt Bukater. For Titanic.  James Cameron. Several girls have already been turned down for the role –  Gwyneth Paltrow, Claire Danes and such-"
"Gwyneth Paltrow?" I croaked,  my throat now so dry that no amount of coffee could help me. These were  big names, and suddenly I wasn't sure if I was ready for such big  competition. "Yeah, I sent your headshots and your résumé through, and  they seem interested. Said you 'had something about you that was  timeless'."

"Wow I don't know what  to say- I – I can't believe this is finally happening thank you thank  you!" I jumped from my chair and clung on to him, kissing his cheek over  and over again. After my moment of madness, I sat down again, and by  this point I was 99% sure I was shaking.

"So what they've done is sent you the script, and you read it okay? Then you audition and I'll arrange you a meeting with James – is Friday okay?" Friday was okay.  Friday was perfect. I would've done any day for this opportunity, and I  only had 4 days to prepare. "Friday is wonderful, thank you Grant." I  said, as he handed me the thick script. It sat heavy in my hands, and I  wasn't sure if it was a metaphor for something – anything. My loaded  future fame, exhaustion that this job would bring, or maybe I'm doomed  from the beginning, but I wasn't about to waste this opportunity, I knew that much. So as I stashed it into my bag and shook hands with Grant one last time, I turned and walked out of the door, and into the elevator, smiling like an idiot.

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