Saturday 12.01am
I froze in my place, staring at Jake in shock. He was probably expecting some shriek of joy and a big reunion kiss, but at this point in time I just wanted to take off running in the other direction – 'out of sight, out of mind' type thing.
He strolled over to me with a simper and encompassed me in a tight hug, his long arms wrapping around my waist. "Hey baby," he said into my shoulder. I was still speechless. Behind Jake stood Leo, bewildered and still twiddling with some ice in his hands. Our eyes locked as I stood in the embrace, but he looked away and broke off eye contact first, clearing his throat.
I pulled away from Jake, still clutching onto his rather large biceps as I leaned back to look at him, his hands remaining on my waist (not that I really felt his hands since my corset was so tight). He didn't stop smiling as he bent down to kiss me. I pushed him off lightly after a couple of seconds, but played it off as just wanting to talk to him, giving him a sweet smile.
"Jake why....wh- how are you here?" I asked, stumbling over my words. Before he answered, I looked around me and pulled him off to the side so we didn't make a big scene. Everyone had been looking at us with big grins plastered on their faces. I wanted to be sick. I didn't want to mix my work life with my personal life (although it was probably too late for that), and if he talked to Leo my guilt and self-hatred would eat me alive.
"Well I have some work down here again, so I thought I'd come to surprise you." He said with a shit-eating grin.
" okay, so you're coming back to the hotel? Maybe we or something. Wanted to get some things off my chest..." He shook his head "Nah babe, I can't. It's in the completely opposite direction to where I'm heading, it would take too long – I'm leaving in like 5 minutes anyway, I just wanted to see you. And I have a big meeting early in the morning so,"
"Oh," I mustered. 'Then why are you here?!' I wanted to scream in his face, but I didn't. Maybe I could just talk to him here.
"Jake I-" I was cut off. "Before you say anything, I got something for you," he reached down and pulled out a little blue box, topped off with a white satin ribbon. Dear go, no.
"I thought maybe if you wear these, it would remind you of me. I know you still have a while here, a good couple of months at least and it's hard to see each other. Oh but don't open it yet," he placed the box in my hand.
"Wow.....I don't-"
"Oh and also, I arranged for you to meet my mom next time I'm here. All of us." I was gaping at him, dumbstruck again. I couldn't have that talk with him after accepting a gift (Tiffany's, so obviously expensive) and I couldn't exactly say 'No Jake, I don't want to meet your mom, thanks for the gift though'.
"This is too take in- wow.....thank you. For this." I pointed to the box in my hand. He captured my lips again. Internally I was rolling my eyes.
He then became aware of his surroundings again, looking around. Spotting Leo, he pulled away from me and start walking down towards him. No fucking way. No no no no way was this happening.
"Hey!" he nodded towards Leo, who was talking to Jim. Leo turned around, expressionless. I pinched the bridge of my nose, my eyes closed, and went down to join Jake and Leo.
"Hey, I've heard so much about you man," he stuck a hand out for Leo to shake, which he did. "You know, both from magazines and this one," he nodded to me, jokingly. Leo turned to look at me slyly, then back to Jake.
"Well, not too much I hope," he replied smugly, a smirk on his face. I wanted to punch that smirk right off his (very pretty) face. This was already a very stressful situation and he wasn't helping.
"Jake do you want me to walk you to your car?" I piped up. He was a bit taken aback, but nodded. "Uhh no, no that's okay. I'll manage." He looked down at his watch. "Yeah I better get going. Listen, good to finally meet you Leo," he patted Leo once on the shoulder and then he turned to me, giving me a peck on the lips. "I'll see you soon," then kissed me again. I just forced a tense smile and waved him off.
I turned back slowly to Leo, who was leaning against one of the big unattended camera fixtures, biting down a laugh. I punched him in the arm angrily, which made him double over as he burst out laughing, unable to hold it.
"You think you're funny, huh?" I asked, irritated. He didn't reply – he was still laughing. "Fucking idiot,"
"Penelope and Leonardo we need you on the green screen set now!" Rob shouted. I glared at Leo, who bit his lip as he contained his laughter, then I turned away to get down to set. Wrapping his arms around my neck from behind as I walked, Leo sniggered "Oh come on Nel, don't be so serious,"
I just huffed, and Leo let go and walked ahead of me, looking back once to wink at me with a cheeky grin. I couldn't hold back my smile now as I shook my head, looking away, pouting my lips. He was annoying sometimes, but he was Leo, and I was grateful for him.

PERMANENT - Leonardo DiCaprio
Fanfiction"I just wish I had something permanent in my life." Penelope didn't know the fate that her future would hold. An aspiring actress from England, she would experience her first big break with none other than Leonardo DiCaprio, teen heartthrob of the...