Saturday 11.37pm
"So, you been seeing Jake behind my back?"
I stared at him, dumbfounded, trying to figure out how he had come to such a conclusion.
"Leo...wh-what are you talking about?"
He rolled his eyes, huffing, "Listen, Nel, I don't want any bullshit esxuse, we are way past that point, okay?"
I composed myself,taking a deep breath before speaking calmly and collectively.
"Where did you get this information?"
He was seemingly getting stressed and unpatient, like an angry little child, "What do you mean? Surely you've seen the tabloids. 'Penelope and mystery man on a cozy walk - the end of Pen and Leo?'" He mocked the headlines, using air quotes with his fingers to accentuate his point, "and I've met Jake, remember, so I know damn well that was him."
My tense shoulders dropped and I let out a breath, it felt like a massive, Jake-sized weight had been lifted off my shoulders, and I began laughing. A full, proper, unrestrained laugh, as Leo looked on at me, probably wondering if I was turning crazy.
"What's funny?"
"Leo," I let out another laugh as I tried to contain it, "you are so stupid. You think I'm seeing him? Come on, give me some credit, I'm not that dumb. Jake works here now, I ran in to him on my morning run."
I guess he had nothing to say, or maybe he was thinking, but he stayed silent. My smile dropped a bit, "Leo? Don't tell me you're gonna make a big deal out of this-"
"I'm not making anything, Nel, I just look like an idiot to the press!" He interrupted, slightly more mad.
"How?" replied, taken aback, "What I can't be seen with anyone but you? You know you can't control the media, they twist things - always have always will. God...I thought you were above all that..."
"Above what, Nel? You think you have this industry figured out? Good for you. You haven't."
Ouch. Way to go, Leo. I didn't bother arguing back.
"How about you see me tomorrow, when you're a little less drunk and you're acting right." I said quietly, and turned away and walked the opposite direction of the corner we had enclosed ourselves in.
How could one tiny little thing turn into something so big and unnecessary so fast? Was this my life now? Every little action scrutinized by the media, my whole life splattered over every magazine?
I was in no mood to stick around anymore and talk to anyone, so I hightailed my ass out of there.
I pressed the elevator button multiple times, waiting for it to open, and it didn't take long. I stepped in, my heels clanking on the marble floor loudly.
Whooshing all the way down to the bottom, it opened again, and I stepped out, greeting the receptionist on my way out, and stepped outside once again, where it seemed more chilly without the company of a big crowd of people.
I spotted our driver and headed straight for him. I would send him back here to wait for Leo after he dropped me off at Chateau Marmont. It seemed strange, also, that there was no paparazzi here, seeing as it was such a publicised event. Maybe they shut off the neighbouring streets?
"Pen? Pen!"
I stopped in my tracks and turned around.
"Hold on I gotta call you back." Matt ended the call and dropped his half smoked cigarette on the floor.
"Where are you running off to? You leaving?" He grabbed my upper arm comfortingly.
"Yeah...I'm tired," I sighed deeply.
"I grew up with you, Penelope, I know when you're lying you know." It was true. I knew it was, so I wasn't going to argue against him.
"Nah you don't have to tell me. Come on, I'll get you home."
He led the way protectively, away to a car, a rental, I guessed, and opened the car door for me on the passenger side, then got in the driver's seat, starting the engine and turning the heating up.
"Where are you staying?" he asked, getting up the built in sat nav.
"Chateau Marmont."
He whistled, impressed, "Not too shabby."
I huffed a small laugh under my nose, "I do kind of want to sleep in my own bed tonight though. I wish I could. It's just too far away."
"What, you're saying your apartment beats Chateau Marmont? You're crazy." He laughed, typing it in so he could take me there.
"You've not seen it yet, Matt, it's magical."
He pulled away from the curb into the road, looking in his rear view mirror occasionally.
"Matt...since when do you smoke?"
He scoffed jokingly, "None of your business young lady," Matt eyed me from the driver's seat before he spoke mischievously, " want one?"
I opened my mouth wide in shock, smiling. This was the Matt I knew - protective, but he was a little shit, and reckless sometimes, despite being a lawyer.
"I think that if you don't give me one, I'll send you packing back to England."
He smiled, shaking his head, "Open the glove compartment."

PERMANENT - Leonardo DiCaprio
Fanfiction"I just wish I had something permanent in my life." Penelope didn't know the fate that her future would hold. An aspiring actress from England, she would experience her first big break with none other than Leonardo DiCaprio, teen heartthrob of the...