Chapter 27 - Bearer of Bad News

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Friday 9.45pm

"Penelope...?" Jake stared at me in surprise. "Oh my- Pen what the hell, you're back," he engulfed me in a hug and leaned in to give me a kiss, but I turned my head a little, so he got my cheek instead.

"Jake I need to talk to you. For real this time, no gifts, no excuses, just hear me out okay?" the smile on his face faded away and was replaced by a frown, and a look of distress. Stepping back, he let me into his apartment and closed the door. I sat down on his leather couch, which felt cold and uncomfortable, and he followed suit.

"This thing," I started, gesturing between the both of us with my hands "it won't work out. And I'm sorry, I really am, but I don't see this progressing...." I trailed off. Was this all I needed to say? I hoped he would understand.

"What....why would you say that?" he looked confused. "We're making progress Penelope," he grabbed my hand "My feelings for you get stronger every day, and you've been away so that's saying something, right?" I stared at his pleading eyes. I really did feel bad. He was a nice enough guy and he never really did anything to hurt me, but I just couldn't stay with him - it wouldn't make me happy.

"Jake," I sighed helplessly "Please understand, I'm not doing this for the fun of it. You deserve someone who gives you 100%, and I feel like at this point in time I just can't do that." He frowned again.

"Is this because of Leo?" he shot back. I furrowed my eyebrows, squinting my eyes at him. "Don't bring Leo into this, okay Jake?" His frown disappeared and was replaced by a sarcastic, amused look.

"It is isn't it?" he let out a laugh shaking his head, gesturing with his hands accusingly "Of course, I should've known. Leo the ladies' man stealing people's girlfriends-"

"Jake!" I interrupted his slightly psychotic rant "Please don't do this okay?" I stood up quickly, not wanting to be in there for any longer than I had to. Pulling out the Tiffany box he had given me back on set in Mexico, I placed it on the table, turning towards the door with one single look back. "It's over Jake," I said softly, turning back and leaving without waiting for a response.

I did feel bad, breaking up with someone was never fun, but I felt relieved it was done - like a weight off my shoulders. I got in my car and keyed the engine on, driving back home.


The next morning I woke up feeling refreshed, and it felt amazing waking up in my own bed for the first time in months, even though I did miss waking up to amazing sea views every morning.

I got dressed, and for the first time in a long time, I was free of work and things to do, and I felt like I had all the time in the world, so I got my bag and headed out the door, not taking my car and opting to walk - I was in no hurry today.


I was 5 minutes away from my local coffee shop, which I used to visit every morning, just walking and enjoying the sunshine and being around unknown faces. I pulled out my phone from my pocket, dialling and putting it to my ear as it rang. It rang through 4 rings until it was picked up.

"Hello?" I smiled to myself - I had missed that voice so much. "Leo," I said, with quiet intensity. "Hey my little magnolia, how you doin'?" he drawled, and I could tell he was smiling like me. "I'm so good, actually, I'm back home an-"

"You're back?" he interjected suddenly. "Yeah I got home yesterday." I replied - surely he knew I was already coming back?

"Oh damn it Nel, you could've told me, I would've picked you up from the airport." He said with so much concern and annoyance that it caused me to chuckle. "Leo that's alright, you're in New York anyway,"

"Yeah but still, I would've come back. Now they've booked me in for appearances and all that crap so I can't come back to LA for another 3 weeks." He explained. My smile dropped.

"I don't see you for another 3 weeks?" I asked, feeling a new sense of exasperation.

"Yeah I know. I come back a week before we have to fly out to Tokyo for the premiere and then straight to the promotional tours." He sounded tired.

"What happened to taking a break?" I asked, recalling that night on his balcony that he told me he was leaving the next day, but would be taking some relaxing time off.

"Couldn't turn it down Nel," he laughed. I pouted my lips playfully, not that he could see. He exhaled deeply on the phone, going silent before speaking up quietly. "I miss you, you know."

I smiled sincerely. It was that tone again. The tone that told me there was something else to his words, like he was implying something. It was intense and full of emotion, even through the phone.

"I miss you too. It's been weird not seeing you for so long....we haven't even really talked that much," I replied.

"I know, I'm fault really." I wondered if he was ever going to bring up the kiss that happened when he left Rosarito.

"Well don't worry too much, we'll be stuck with each other for a couple more months soon when we leave for the tour."

"Don't think I'll mind too much," I could hear him smiling again, the spirited tone in his voice back.

"Oh wait Leo I gotta go," I said as the coffee shop came into view.

"Alright babe, we'll talk soon alright?" he spoke. I nodded, but then realised he couldn't see me.

"Yeah for sure, bye Leo." I said, then hung up, putting my phone back in my pocket. It was so good to speak to him again, and no matter how weird I thought it was going to be after everything, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Maybe I'd have to bring up the kiss when I saw him to address the elephant in the room, which would undoubtedly be there.

"Penelope!" a voice interrupted my thoughts as I entered the shop. It was Mabel, an elderly lady that owned the coffee shop that I saw most mornings, where we'd have long chats about everything.

"Mabel," I said, as she ran over from behind the counter, to me. "Honey you're back! Oh how lovely," she gushed, grabbing my face in her hands as I smiled whole heartedly at her.

"Oh come, sit down, tell me everything. How was filming your film dear? I'll bring you your regular right?" I nodded. This would be a long chat, but I couldn't wait to catch up with her.

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