Saturday 7pm
By 7 we had already filmed some of my close-up scenes, as well as Leo's, which only took a couple of takes, but they were only minor scenes with no lines, and Jim said we may have to re-film if it doesn't transition right with the next scene – the drawing scene.
"Alright guys, let's do this. So Penelope you go from the door here, over to that mark there," Jim pointed at the red cross on the ground "And then back a couple of steps. Then you go over to the divan and we do that scene in one shot okay?" Jim explained.
I nodded, fidgeting with the strings of my black kimono which was beginning to get itchy on my bare skin.
"Alright Penelope, just behind the door here," Jim moved me to my spot. "Leo you set?" he asked, and Leo nodded in his chair. "Okay 3, 2, 1 aaaaand action!"
On cue, I sauntered over to the door frame as Leo, or rather Jack, looked up from his pencils. Spinning the silky strings of the kimono, I smiled and started walking to him, reciting my lines.
"The last thing I need is another picture of me looking like a porcelain doll. As a paying customer," I chuck him a dime, stepping back, "I expect to get what I want."
We stared at each other, a nervous energy around the room. Apparently the first scenes were always the hardest, not just for the actors, but the directors. You can never really see the chemistry that actors have until the cameras roll.
Slowly, I slipped my kimono off of my body, and stood exposed. It was time for Leo's lines, but as he opened his mouth, he burst out laughing. I couldn't hold back, and I bent over laughing. I could hear the crew chuckling in the background too. I knew exactly why Leo was laughing. In hopes of breaking the ice earlier today, I walked over to him and flashed him, and the poor guy dropped the water he was drinking all over his top. The scene must've triggered his memory, and now the ice had not only been broken with him, but the whole crew.
"Reset guys!" Jim shouted. "Now let's be adults about this," he laughed. We did the scene again, and I had successfully gotten on the divan without any laughs.
"I believe you are blushing, Mr. Big Artiste. I can't imagine Monsieur Monet blushing." I say, and Leo looks up from sketching, which he wasn't actually doing. Jim volunteered to do all the sketches in the film. "He does landscapes. Just relax your face, no laughing."
"And cut! Good job, well done that's a wrap!" The film crew clapped – the first full scene had been filmed successfully. One of the set assistants, Rob, a quiet and polite young man ran over to me with a new robe to help hide my modesty, only this robe wasn't an itchy costume prop, but a satin gold one, and it was short, like those ones the Victoria's Secret angels wear.
I could see Leo snickering away to himself, sketching. "What are you....doing?" He turned the sketchpad to me. I wheezed with laughter, no noise actually coming out of my mouth. In the middle of the page was a (shitty) drawing of all the crew, almost like caricatures.
"You did that?" I said in between laughs "Like just now?" He nodded proudly and laughed his famous little laugh. "How did you keep a straight face?"
"Gave me something to focus on you know?" He ran a hand through his hair and stretched in his seat. "Wanna get outta here?"
"Yes, yes. Please." He stood up and came over, offering me his hand and pulled me up. I hugged the little robe tight to me – it was getting a bit chilly, probably because it was already midnight when we finished, and they didn't heat the set.
"Meet me by the car in 5 minutes?" he asked, and I nodded, before we parted ways to get changed. I put my shorts and oversized sweatshirt back on, along with my trainers and gathered all my stuff, before exiting my trailer and walking down to meet Leo. He was already leaning against the car, eyes glued to his phone.
"Hey," I greeted him, and he nodded in acknowledgement, then got in the driver's seat. Our drive home had been relatively silent, and after he parked the car outside the hotel, he sat in his seat, unmoving.
"You okay?" I asked with a worried tone in my voice. "Leo?" His mind seemed to be riddled with thoughts as he answered, opening his side of the door and getting out. "Walk with me."
Eyebrows furrowed in confusion, I too go out of the car, slamming the door shut behind me quietly as to not disturb other hotel residents who were probably sleeping.
We walked around the side of the hotel, through the small side gate that separated us from the beach, and walked down towards the rolling waves. I stopped to take my shoes off so that I didn't get sand in them, and the sand felt cold in between my toes. But it was soft, and the coolness of the sand was refreshing. Leo was still silent, so I spoke up.
"You know, the beach is my favourite place to be. At sunset. Or maybe sunrise, but I can never wake up early enough for that. I could stay here all day, don't you think? It's so peaceful. The sea looks so endless...." I trailed off as I stared at the sea whilst we were walking along the shore away from the hotel.
I turned to look at him, but he was already looking at me. He smiled and turned to look at the sea, as we continued walking. "Nel, it's so hard in this industry." I frowned and looked at him, confused as to what he was getting at. "People are always changing, leaving, there's so many expectations. I can't even trust anyone – I can't have a normal relationship with anyone. Be it friends, girlfriends.....It's put such a massive strain on me and Kristen-" I stopped walking and caught his arm, and he stopped too, facing me. I sat down and motioned for him to sit next to me on the sand.
"Is this about Kristen?" I asked. "No. No this is about you." I frowned again, still not understanding. "You're my best friend, Nel, and I've never met anyone like you. We have this bond – a bond I've never had with any of my co-stars before. And we're in the same place." He wasn't the best explainer, but I loved him for it. He continued "Look all I'm saying is that I need something permanent in my life. You're already my rock and I promise to be there for you through everything. If you do the same." I stared at him smiling, tears already forming in my eyes. This was the most vulnerable I had ever seen him. I nodded and hugged him, not saying a word.
"Don't leave, okay?" He whispered into my shoulder as we hugged. "I won't." I answered back and gave him one final squeeze and leant out of the hug. "Let's head back yeah?" He nodded, standing up and we started walking back towards the hotel, too tired to continue a light-hearted conversation, but comfortable enough to know we didn't need one to fill the silence – each other's' presence was enough.

PERMANENT - Leonardo DiCaprio
Fanfiction"I just wish I had something permanent in my life." Penelope didn't know the fate that her future would hold. An aspiring actress from England, she would experience her first big break with none other than Leonardo DiCaprio, teen heartthrob of the...