Sunday 8am
The alarm clock woke me up with a startle, and I turned the deafening sound off quickly. Rubbing my eyes, I sat up, realising where I was. Stretching, I stood and stumbled to the kitchen, pouring myself some water. Leo's door was still closed, so he must've still been sleeping. I'd come back in half an hour if he still wasn't awake. I got my jacket and walked out of the door, closing it behind me quietly, still barefoot from when I'd left my shoes at my own apartment last night (technically it was early this morning, not last night).
"Penelope, morning," I heard a voice say. I turned around. It was Frances, walking down past Leo's room to have breakfast downstairs. "Ugh good morning. Still wayyyy too early," I sighed, rubbing my temples. Her eyes dropped down to my bare feet and the jacket in my hands, sneaking out of Leo's room, and her eyebrows raised, smug look on her face.
"Oh no, it's not what it looks like, no no. God, no that's not...what it is." I trailed off, looking like a blundering idiot.
That sly look was still on her face as she walked away, "Don't worry, I won't tell." Then winked and turned away, giggling to herself.
I hurried to my apartment to save myself anymore further embarrassment.
Breakfast was unusually empty – some of the cast didn't need to be in until later, so were probably sleeping in, and the rest that were needed on set had most likely already had breakfast, so I was surrounded by a few strangers who were just there at the hotel to relax. The only familiar face sitting having breakfast was Jason.
Leo was already up, but was still getting himself together. I had knocked on his door, but he shouted that he 'couldn't come to the door' so I went on without him.
After getting breakfast, I sat down opposite Jase, who, in all fairness, was nearly finished with his breakfast and was drinking the last of his coffee. "Alright," he nodded. "Have you had their coffee? This is the first time I'm trying it and wow, this is some good shit right here. Mmmm," he gushed.
"Yeah are you kidding me, I've been having like two cups in one go. This is heavenly," I replied, smelling my cup of coffee. I had a feeling I would rely heavily on it today.
"You ready for the dance scenes today?" he questioned. "No, not even a bit. Not that there's a choice really," In my peripheral vision, I could see Leo enter, so I glanced over, smiling at his impeccably neat state considering last night's antics.
"I'm not filming no dance scenes you best believe it," was the first thing Leo said as he sat down in the empty seat next to me. "That's what we were just discussing," Jase replied. "But on the other hand, have you tried the coffee-"
"Jason shut up about the coffee," I laughed. "Alright, alright, I'll be gone." He stood up, but continued "You don't have long before we leave though, so finish that breakfast quick-time,"
I smiled sarcastically and stuck my middle finger up, which he returned with a smirk, Leo joining in on the laughter. When the laughter died down, Leo turned to me.
"Thank you," he said, sounding so heartfelt that it made my heart hurt. Like, physically hurt. Or maybe it was the exhaustion setting in. "For taking care of me last night, and then staying. I must've been such a mess....kind of embarrassing really. What would I do without you eh?" he nudged me.
"How do you even know I stayed? You were knocked out pretty much 5 minutes after you got in."
"Yeah, had to get some more water in the middle of the night. Saw you sleeping on the couch," he grabbed my coffee and took a sip.
"You'll be okay, you know, after Kristen. If you wanna talk you know I'm here. Just like we talked about. I'm not leaving okay." He looked up, and then grabbed me, hugging me so tightly that I thought my head would explode. We sat there for about a minute, hugging, before he kissed my temple and let go.
"Alright let's get going," he suggested, and we got up and headed out for the cars out front.
"Let's go from the top again," Jim shouted, camera in hand. "3, 2, 1, aaaaand action!"
I sat on one of the chairs, clapping away as the third class band played on. Leo and Andrea, the adorable little girl that plays Cora stopped dancing.
"I'm gonna dance with her now, alright?" he stood up, waving his hand out "Come on,"
"Come with me." He dragged me up (or rather, Jack dragged Rose)
"Wait, Jack, wait!" I looked up. "I can't do this,"
"We're gonna have to get a little bit closer," he recited his lines flawlessly. "Like this." His hand at my waist pulled me in closer to him.
"You're still my best girl Cora." He said to the girl, her face lighting up with the most beautiful smile that made me want to cut the scene and just run over to her and hug her. And I knew her smile was genuine. Andrea and Leo had bonded on set, and Andrea was somewhat smitten with her new best friend, always walking around together with her little hand in his. It was utterly endearing.
"I don't know the steps," I said, as we danced as we had rehearsed both back in Santa Monica for weeks, as well as here in Baja.
"Neither do I. Just go with it. Don't think." We continued to dance, and it was already my favourite scene to film by far. No worrying about the cold, no intense emotions, just me and my friends having fun, and there was hardly any acting – I was having the time of my life.
"And cut! Brilliant! Love it! We'll take it again from the different angles in 5 alright?!" Jim once again shouted, already looking over at the screens to see how the scene came out.
Leo gave me a side hug, still giddy from the scene and walked over to Jason, while I went to talk to Andrea. She saw me coming and ran up to hug me. I kneeled down to her level "How was that scene sweetie? You enjoy it?" she nodded enthusiastically, then started playing with the beads on my dress. "Can we see Leo now?" she asked, and I laughed – the girl was enamoured. "Of course," she grabbed my hand and led the way towards Leo.

PERMANENT - Leonardo DiCaprio
Fanfiction"I just wish I had something permanent in my life." Penelope didn't know the fate that her future would hold. An aspiring actress from England, she would experience her first big break with none other than Leonardo DiCaprio, teen heartthrob of the...