Thursday 1.10pm
My heels were click-clacking along the marble floors as I approached reception, but Jenny didn't buzz me through like she usually did. "Jenny?" She didn't answer. "Jen?" She looked up. "Oh. Didn't even hear you come in. I've been so busy. It always gets so hectic right before production starts. Did I tell you about that time right before they started filming The Terminator, and Arnold Schwarzenegger would come through those doors every day and-"
"Jenny I have a meeting, could you buzz me through? I don't mean to be rude." I interrupted, probably a bit too harshly, but if I heard one more story about her time working as the receptionist for Lightstorm Entertainment I would vomit all over the white floor.
"Oh yes. Yes. Mr Cameron wants all cast for Titanic in Lounge 1 today. Just through to your left there." She explained, seemingly not offended by my interruption. "Okay thanks Jen!" I said, as I set off for 'Lounge 1'.
I pushed the double doors that sat underneath a large gold sign that read Lounge 1 and walked in. The room itself was not overly big, but the leather couches had been pushed back to make for more space in the middle of the room. An intricate chandelier hung from the ceiling, which reflected the sun rays beautifully and scattered them across the room.
All heads turned as I walked in. Jim's beaming smile was the first thing I saw and he started making his way towards me, followed by co-producer Jon Landau, who I had only met a handful of times. "And here's our Rose," Jim's voice boomed, echoing all around the hall. "Here I am," I laughed in return, with a small wave of my hand. We exchanged friendly hugs, both with Jim and Jon, and they led me towards the gathering of people, who would be my cast mates for the next couple of months.
"So here are the cast, we have Billy Zane as Caledon, Victor Garber, who'll be playing Thomas Andrews, and over here is your wonderful on-screen mom Frances Fisher." I hugged each of them, my heart wanting to explode from seeing the script's characters come to life. "Did they make you dye it too?" Frances leaned in with a smirk, pointing to my hair.
"You wouldn't believe. 3 whole hours at the hair salon," I answered with a smile, and mockingly rolled my eyes, as she laughed. As I talked to Frances, I caught sight of that blonde mop of hair, which is probably trademarked by now. He was in deep conversation with Kathy Bates, who would be playing Margaret 'Molly' Brown, but as if he sensed me watching, he turned and we locked eyes. He smiled, remembering last night's weird encounter and nodded to me – a smile which I returned.
The shrill ringing of my phone brought me out of my conversation with Frances "Excuse me," I excused myself and put my bag down on one of the couches so I could locate my phone.
'Aaliyah calling'
"Aaliyah. Not a good time babe," I said, as I sank down into the couch. "NO freaking way are you starring in a film with Leo. Leo as in MY husband Leo since 'Growing Pains'. How could you not tell me? I have to find out from the INTERNET?" I hadn't even told her about Leo, and I felt like the most terrible friend.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry. It's been chaotic and...overwhelming-" "Pen you're so stupid! Next time you tell me these things okay!? I didn't even get to congratulate you, you ass." She laughed. "And this means I bring extra alcohol this weekend to celebrate. No buts."
"Yeah about that. Listen I don't think I can do this weekend," I apologised. "What?! Pen come on!" "I know I'm sorry but I've been booked for make-up trials all weekend. I'll only get off at around midnight if I'm lucky and then I have dance lessons from 9am on Sunday...."
"You have dance lessons? Where in a doomed 4 day boat journey do you have time to dance?" she shot back in the way she usually does, but not maliciously – she doesn't have a mean bone in her body.
"Well Al we make time," I chuckled back softly. I felt horrible, especially as I hadn't seen her in weeks, and she's been having a tough time juggling her 2 jobs. "I really do have to go," I said softly. "Okay. Bye Pen, and don't you even think of keeping anything from me again okay dumbass?" And with that, she hung up.
"Boyfriend issues?" I heard a voice ask as I looked up. Leo, grinning down. "No, just friend issues." I replied as I put my phone away, and he took a seat next to me, exhaling deeply as if he was deeply troubled, or maybe just tired. I stared at him. "Why'd you do it?" He turned to look at me. "Do what?"
I gave him that look. That look as if to say 'don't play dumb, you know what'. "Take the part. It couldn't have been completely my influence right?" He looked away again, smiling."Last night I went home," he started.
"I met you at like 2am last night so that already doesn't make sense Leo," I laughed.
"No hear me out, hear me out. I went home, right. Alone." He emphasised that word as if to clarify. "Must've been around 4am. And I picked up the script and I read it. Start to finish, no interruptions. I think it was...oh I dunno, about 6am when I finished?" I raised my eyebrows to encourage him to finish his story."And I just thought 'fuck it' you know? This guy, Jack Dawson, he's such an untroubled character. So what if it's all a bit commercial? God knows maybe I'll even learn something from him. So I called Jim straight away and accepted it." He stared off into space, as if daydreaming. "Kind of thought I'd regret it when I woke up but here I am."
"Well I'm glad. This film is something special.I can feel it." I replied back, and he nodded. "Coffee?" He asked, as if our previous conversation had never happened. We stood up and walked over to the table, where a giant coffee dispenser stood amongst various snacks and other refreshments. And that was the beginning of our beautiful little friendship.

PERMANENT - Leonardo DiCaprio
Fanfiction"I just wish I had something permanent in my life." Penelope didn't know the fate that her future would hold. An aspiring actress from England, she would experience her first big break with none other than Leonardo DiCaprio, teen heartthrob of the...