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he watched as she finished wiping a table and moved on to the next one.

jungkook thought she was a pretty one. she looked like she didn't even try to be attractive. her long brown hair was tied into a low ponytail that curled at the end. some loose strands framed her face, and he watched as she would occasionally tuck them behind her ears when they got in the way of her cleaning. he noticed that she wore black skinny jeans that she folded past her ankles at the bottom, and black vans. she wore her white uniform polo shirt and a brown apron with the cafe's logo on it.

jungkook wondered why she was the only one in the cafe this early in the morning. he looked at the hours posted in the store. this place wasn't open until seven, but she was here before five in the morning.

she walked back towards the counter and began neatly stacking the cups and cleaning the countertop surfaces. she had a pretty face. he noticed she didn't have much makeup on. maybe some mascara and lip gloss, but nothing extreme. just enough to bring out her already flawless features.

well, he thought they were flawless.

jungkook noticed he was staring, and that he would get caught any minute if he didn't stop. he quickly looked back down at the table with slightly pink cheeks before deciding to leave.

"oh, have a good day!" ji eun said while she bowed, noticing he was heading towards the door.

he waved. "you too, and thank you again."

he walked back to his dorm after making sure no one was following him.

maybe today wouldn't be such a bad day.

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