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ji eun woke up with a scream-- out of breath and drenched in sweat. she looked around and found herself in her own room. no taehyung, no white surroundings-- nothing. she took a deep breath and decided to take a shower to calm herself down.

what was that? she wondered, feeling a headache coming.

she let the warm water engulf her completely.


jungkook: i'm back!

ji eun: did you buy me candy

jungkook: wow i missed you too

jungkook: and yes i got you candy now open your front door

ji eun suspiciously eyed her phone and walked out of her room. she had just finished blow drying her hair and changed into casual clothing to go out. 

she opened the front door and was attacked with a bear hug.

"eunnie!" jungkook said, dragging out the "e". "god, i missed you so much." he mumbled into her hair.

"i missed you, too," she laughed, wrapping her arms around his muscular back.

he took a deep breath. "you smell nice." he said.

"i just took a shower." she unwrapped her arms around him, but held his arm with her hand. "oppa," she said, using her cutest aegyo. "where's my candy?"

"gosh, seems like you missed your candy more than me." he mumbled, succumbing to her aegyo, pulling out a bag from his backpack.

she gave him a long hug. "thank you!" 

jungkook watched with a smile as she led them both over to the couch and opened the bag, putting a gummy candy in her mouth. "do you want one?" she mumbled, mouth full.

"i'll just have a taste." he leaned into her and kissed her.

ji eun felt tingles all over her body. she smiled as she felt his hand reach up and cradle her cheek to get a better angle. 

she felt a sense of loss as he pulled away. he took a candy out of the bag and popped it in his mouth with a wink. "tastes good."

she smiled and blushed, looking at the ground. 


"so, how have you been?" he asked as they both cuddled on the couch watching tv.

her mind immediately brought her back to taehyung and what he told her. 

"good," she lied. "i missed you. like a lot. even if it was only three days." 

"i missed you, too. there's so many places in japan i wish i could take you to. one day i will. i promise." he smiled.

"i'm looking forward to it." she smiled. 

she felt the cold feeling again and looked around. he's here. 

"what's wrong, eunnie?" he asked, feeling her tense up.

she shook her head. "nothing, just felt a little cold." she said, snuggling closer to him, but keeping her eyes wide and looking around. 

he tightened her arm around her. "want a blanket?" he asked, being answered with a head shake.

jungkook felt his phone vibrate. "it's hyung," he said, removing his arm around her. "i have to go, eunnie." 

"so soon? you haven't even been here for half an hour." she pouted.

"sorry. we have to practice." he said, kissing her on the forehead and getting up.

"i'll see you soon?" she asked, walking him to the door.

he shrugged. "hopefully." he smiled and put his backpack on. "bye."

"bye." she said, kissing him on the cheek before closing the door. she closed her eyes and sighed, leaning back on the door.

"you okay?" 

she looked up and was met with taehyung's eyes. 

"how did you get in?" she asked, disinterested, angling her eyes at the floor.

"i don't know. i just kind of appeared." 

"are you the physical taehyung or the mental taehyung?"

"which one do you think?" he said.

she sighed. "is everything gonna turn white again?"

"no, i just wanted to check in." he said. "the effects of dating a idol are getting to you, huh?"

she nodded, dejected. "yeah." she let a tear fall out of her eyes. 

he walked over and pat her on the shoulder. "good luck. don't forget what i told you." 

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