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ji eun didn't get much sleep that night.

last night's events were too surreal for her to fall asleep. did it really happen? she had to pinch herself multiple times to convince herself that it actually did.

but all the pinching could never take away the butterflies in her stomach.

she didn't know what he saw in her they made him like her. she was just another korean girl who worked in a cafe.

ji eun was suddenly knocked out of her thoughts when her alarm rang. she got out of bed and into her work clothes.

she smiled and walked with an extra bounce her her steps, knowing what to expect at work this morning.


ji eun was taking orders and making orders for about an hour before the bell by the door rang.

"welcome--" she stuttered.

jungkook walked in, with his mask like always.

"hey," he smiled, pulling down his mask. "how are you?"

ji eun blushed and tucked a hair behind her ear. "i'm fine. how are you?" she didn't know if she could ever get used to that adorable smile of his.

"good. i'm better than good, actually. i'm absolutely great now that i can see you." he laughed, looking her in the eyes as she blushed a deep red. "anyways, when do you get off work?"

"six thirty. why?" she asked, tilting her head to the side.

"let's go on a date." he smiled. "i'll pick you up from here."

ji eun's heart started beating faster. "don't you have practice?" she questioned.

"it ends early today. our choreographer has something to do." he said. "you're not turning me down, right?" he pouted, giving her puppy eyes.

she laughed. "how could i when you make a face like that?" she poked his nose. "see you at six thirty."


jungkook was excited.

in all honesty, maybe he mistook his nervousness for being excited. this was his first date with ji eun. it had to be perfect.

he asked her on a whim, not really having anything planned or any experience.

"hyung," he called.

"what's up?" jimin said, sitting next to jungkook on the dance floor, leaning on the mirrors on the walls.

"where do you take girls out on a" he asked, nervously.

jimin eyed him strangely. "do you have a girlfriend, jungkookie?"

jungkook didn't answer, but that was his answer all in itself.

"congrats! you're a man now!" jimin said, patting his back.

"who's a man?" j-hope asked, walking over to the two with the rest of the group.

"jungkook! he's got a girlfriend!" jimin said, louder than normal.

"shh!" jungkook said, covering jimin's mouth with his hand. "do you want the staff to know? they're in the next room with the choreographer!"

"jungkook, you know what the consequences are if you get caught, right?" namjoon asked.

he nodded. "yes."

namjoon sighed. "just be careful. if anything happens, it's not only you who's getting hurt. she'll get hurt as well."

jungkook nodded. "i'm fully aware of that."

"who's the lucky girl?" j-hope asked.

"her name's ji eun. she works at the cafe i've been going to." jungkook blushed.

"congrats, man." yoongi said, giving him a thumbs up.

jungkook laughed. "thanks."

"i wanna meet her! introduce us to her one day, jungkookie!" v said, jumping around and clinging onto jungkook.

the group laughed as their choreographer came back.

"okay, break's over. back to work!"


"hey," jungkook said, walking up to ji eun at the outside of the cafe.

"hi," she said, waving at him.

he brought her in for a hug. "you let your hair down."

"yeah. i just felt like it." she shrugged. she took this time to take in his scent. he smelled a bit like sweat, but there was also a minty aroma with a tiny bit of cologne.

"let's go," jungkook said, releasing her and holding her hand instead. "have you eaten yet?"

she shook her head. "not yet."

he smiled. "let's grab some dinner then."

ji eun held his hand a little tighter. "sounds great."

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