twenty two

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ji eun shook hands with si hyuk before he told her to leave his office immediately.

she walked home in the dark with a heavy heart, wondering how she was going to live a life knowing jungkook wouldn't know who she was.

she opened her front door as quietly as she could, knowing jungkook would still be asleep. 

she smiled. he's such a deep sleeper.

ji eun took off her sweater and laid it on her couch. clad in her socks, she quietly made her way into her room, to see what she totally expected. 

jungkook laying flat on his back, sprawled out on her bed, mouth slightly open and quietly snoring.

she giggled and made her way over to him.

she covered herself with the blanket and snuggled next to him, wrapping her arms around his torso and taking in his scent.

she felt jungkook move around, and not soon after she felt arms wrap around her as well, holding her close to him.

ji eun felt him rub circles on her back, and she felt him bury his nose on her head.

but he was still snoring, which made her laugh.

her silent giggles soon turned into silent sobs. she clenched the fabric of jungkook's shirt tight in her fists as she cried.

the tears flowed nonstop. a dark spot on jungkook's shirt began to form, but she didn't care. all that mattered right now was that jungkook was in her arms right now.

...for probably the last time. 

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