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"if you had to choose between bangtan and me, what would you choose?"

jungkook gave her a look as if she were crazy. "why are you asking me that?" he said, walking over to her and holding her hands.

she shook her head. "nevermind. sorry for asking."

"no, tell me." he held her hand tighter.

she sighed and put her hand on top of his. "i know you're an idol, and i know your life revolves around practicing and performing, but i feel really neglected and ignored." she couldn't look him in the eyes. "it's just a little--"

"i'd choose you."

ji eun felt that cold breeze again and straightened her back.


"i'd choose you, and i'll say it a million times if i have to." he brought her into a hug. "i chose the idol life because i love to sing, but do you know how much i envy seeing normal people walking around on the streets without having to worry about being spotted? there were times that i have regretted being an idol. but after meeting you, i really wished i could live a normal life. no idolatry, no paparazzi, nothing." he caressed her head. "i just want to be with you."

jungkook stood up after giving her a kiss on the forehead. "i have to go, eunnie. i'll text you." he walked out of her room and soon she heard the front door close. 

ji eun released the tears she didn't even know she was holding back and cried alone in her room. 

she felt a light pat on the head, but there was no one there. 

she laid back on her bed and cried herself to sleep.

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