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it had been about half a year since jungkook's first visit. he had gone to that cafe everyday just to see ji eun and to drink her special drinks.

he couldn't deny the fact that he had developed something for her on a more romantic level. he had contemplated telling her his feelings more than once, but pushed it out of his mind out of the fear that she wouldn't feel the same.

today, he decided he would tell her. whether or not he got rejected would be up to her, but he would never know unless he tried.

and jungkook was not the type of person to chicken out of a once in a lifetime opportunity.

gathering up his courage, he grabbed his mask, and walked towards the cafe again, a path that had been engraved into his muscle memory.

it was dark. he had only ever been to the cafe in the mornings, but as he neared the cafe, he watched as it's brightness stood out in the middle of all the small shops.

"jungkook?" she asked as he walked in. she found it odd that he would visit the cafe again at it's closing time.

"hey eunnie." he said, pulling down his mask. he had started calling her that after they discovered they were the same age, much to her displeasure.

"why do you only ever come before opening time or after closing time?" she laughed. "and i thought i told you to stop calling me that," she pouted as she stacked some chairs on top of the tables. "anyways, what are you doing here so late? it's weird of you to come twice in one day."

"ah, yeah it is." he said, sheepishly scratching the back of his neck.

"what's up?" she asked, turning around and giving him her full attention.

it's now or never, he thought as he looked her straight in the eyes. "i just wanted to tell you something."

she tilted her head to the side a little, something he found really cute.

"listen, i've been coming here for a while, and since the first time i met you, i haven't been able to get you off my mind." he admitted, looking her in the eyes.

"i guess what i'm trying to say is that," he cleared his throat. "i really like you, ji eun. will you go out with me?"

her eyes widened as she tucked her hair behind her ears.

"jungkook-ah," she began. "thank you for your feelings." jungkook felt his heart start deflating.

"eunnie, i don't need an answer right now but--"

"jungkook, please, listen to me first before you start talking," she said, interrupting him. "we live in completely different worlds. you're an idol, and i'm just another girl who works in a cafe. how would this work?"

he looked down.

she sighed. "look, i'm not trying to scold you. i... actually like you, too." she blushed.

jungkook looked up. "really?" he couldn't help but smile.

"yeah. i'm a little embarrassed to admit this, but i find myself looking forward to you coming back here everyday." she laughed.

his smile widened. "i was always excited to come back."

she laughed. "that's nice to hear. but i don't know if we could... be a thing."

jungkook walked towards her and bravely held her hands. "why?"

"you're an idol. we'd barely be able to see each other." she said, looking at the floor tiles blushing harder.

"we can make it work." he said, holding her chin and making her look at him. "i just want to be with you."

"but what if the public finds out? you'll be ruined because of me." she said.

jungkook leaned his forehead on hers. "we'll deal with that if it ever happens." he looked at her. "be mine?"

she stopped. she thought about what would happen to her if she said yes. yes, she'd be happy. she'd be over the moon happy knowing she's dating someone who feels the same way she feels. but would she be happy when he can't be there when she's sad? would she be happy if they can't go on dates like normal couples? would she be happy if she sees couples holding hands in public?

if she said yes, jungkook would be her first ever boyfriend in her entire nineteen years of living. would he be disappointed in how inexperienced she was? jungkook was a very attractive male. he must've had previous girlfriends. she was average. she was someone people don't give a second glance.

was she good enough for him?

but one thing she knew for sure is that she would be breaking his heart if she said no.

her happiness was knowing that he was happy.

jungkook could sense her insecurity. he held her hands tighter. "please?" he whispered.

she opened her mouth to respond, but suddenly her mouth felt dry. "...okay." she smiled. jungkook felt his heart race as he laughed and hugged her, lifting her off the floor.

"jungkook! let me down!" she laughed as she lightly hit his shoulder.

he did as he was told. "sorry, i'm just super happy." he couldn't help but laugh and show those bunny teeth that she loved so much.

she smiled.

"i'm glad you are."

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