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"jungkook, i... i don't think you're in bts anymore..." 

ji eun couldn't help but feel an ounce of happiness. "do you know what this means? it's like what you said last night! we could finally live a normal life together!" she wrapped her arms around him and held him tightly. "god, i can't believe this is finally happening!" she said, burying her face in the crook of his neck.

"yeah..." he said. he could feel her broad smile on his skin, and he didn't know how to react.

was he happy that they could finally be in public without having to worry about being caught? was he happy that he didn't have to suffer at dance practices all day? was he happy that he finally had a sense of freedom?

jungkook was absolutely speechless. he was lying to himself. he was not happy. living the remainder of his life knowing that he could never talk to his members again was unimaginable. life without bangtan was not a life he wanted to live. 

ji eun pulled away, sensing his hesitation to hug her back.

she was suddenly hit in the face with guilt. 

how could she be happy that all of her boyfriend's dreams and accomplishments had been wiped out overnight? all for her own selfish pleasures?

"i-i'm sorry," she said sitting further away from him after seeing his depressed face. "i let my emotions take over. i'm sorry..." she got out of the bed and ran a hand through her hair. "would you like a coffee? or some breakfast? i can go make--" 

"it's okay." he said, his voice void of emotions and monotone. he pulled his hood over his head and put his hands in his pocket. "i need to be alone right now. i'll be back later."

she watched with a heavy heart as he walked out of her bedroom door and out of the house. 

"i screwed up..." she mumbled to herself, sitting down on the ground and pulling her knees to her chest. 

a gust of cold wind blew by as taehyung appeared in front of her.

"hey," he said, sitting in front of her. "i'm sorry for what happened..." 

her eyes filled with dread. "how did this happen, tae?" 

"remember how i said that you never met bang si hyuk pd at the coffee shop?" he asked. "i-i lied." he stuttered. "that was him." 

ji eun felt her heart rate increase at his words. "why did you lie to me?"

"i'm sorry! i had to! it's part of my contract..."

"what contract?" she asked, her voice that was more air than her actual voice.

he sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "me and pd-nim are not normal human beings. we have powers to be in two places at once: physically and mentally. pd-nim doesn't use his abilities much because it tires him out quickly, but ever since finding out that i could, he made me sign a contract as a trainee to use my powers whenever he needed it."

taehyung looked her in the eyes. "you met the real pd-nim at the coffee shop. his physical state. that was after he had found out that you and jungkook were seeing each other." he looked down again, unable to meet her eyes. "he found out because of me and wanted to see you for himself. i'm sorry. i was bound by contract to obey his commands."

"so... everything that happened was because of me, right? because i met and fell in love with jungkook... right?" she said, holding back her tears. taehyung nodded.

"pd-nim told me to break you two up. that's why i told you to break up with him. i lied about all that stuff i told you about him, too. i'm so sorry. i should've thought about it before i lied to you. i'm so stupid." taehyung said, guilt enveloping his facial expressions. "what happened today was because of me. pd-nim found out i failed my mission and took things into his own hands. he's much more powerful that me. he has the power to change reality."

ji eun felt her whole world crumble. jungkook's world crumbled because of her own greed.

maybe her parents were right. her happiness didn't matter. 

her happiness was his happiness. 

"it wasn't because of you, tae. it's me. if i hadn't had agreed to dating him, this wouldn't have happened." a tear slipped out of her eyes, followed by more and more. "what can i do to change this? how can i reverse everything that happened?" ji eun said, practically begging.

"i don't have the power to--"

"please!" she said, getting on her knees and bowing on the ground, almost sobbing. "please! i'll do anything to change this! i'd do anything for him!"

taehyung told her to get off the ground and she obeyed. "i'll see what i can do. i can't imagine bts without jungkook. i'll do everything i can."

"then what can i do? what can i do to make things better for him? he probably hates me now... i just told him how happy i was that this happened and he left the house..." she said, trying to talk through her sobs.

taehyung put his hands on her shoulders and looked her straight in the eyes. 

"just be there for him. he doesn't hate you, i can tell you that for certain. he loves you just as much as you love him. just be there to comfort him."

ji eun nodded, wiping her tears.

taehyung continued. 

"you're all he has right now."

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