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ji eun walked towards the doors with an iron fist. she took out the card that she took from jungkook's wallet earlier and swiped it against the cardholder.

she watched as the doors slid open, feeling the slight gush of wind as it did.

she slid the card back in her pocket and walked in. she took the stairs and went up a couple flights, ignoring the tired feeling in her legs.

walking down the halls, she made her way towards a certain office and walked in, not bothering to knock.

to her surprise, the office was empty. wasn't this where she was supposed to go? she couldn't think that he could be anywhere else. 

"looking for me?"

she turned her head around and met face to face with the person she wanted to see.

"bang si hyuk." ji eun said, facing him fully.

he walked over and sat in his chair at his desk. "i believe you have something to say to me, correct?"

"you already know what i'm going to say," ji eun retorted, clenching her fists.

he nodded. "indeed i do." bang si hyuk crossed his legs. "you want to fix everything because you love jungkook so much." he said, mocking her.

"is that such a bad thing?" she muttered through her teeth.

"look, ms. nam." he uncrossed his legs and put his arms on his desk. "jungkook's an idol. or was an idol. being an idol means devoting his whole life to just that. idolatry-- nothing else. but then he met you, and his entire personality changed. he started drifting away from the members, and was not as focused at rehearsal. he even began talking back to his elders." he sighed. "i didn't want to do this, but i had to. he needs to wake up to the reality he chose."

"do you know how he is now?" ji eun said. "he's even worse now. even if i'm there, he doesn't talk to me. he doesn't even look me in the eyes anymore. his words are empty-- there's nothing behind them." a tear slipped out of her eyes. "he's not the same as he was before. i still love him, even if he's like this. but he doesn't love himself." 

ji eun stopped her ranting and bowed. 

"please, i'll do anything to change things back. i don't care what i have to do, but if it means him getting his old life back again and becoming the old jungkook again, i'd do anything."

"stand straight--"

"please!" tears fell from her eyes and onto the floor.

there was a moment of silence as ji eun shut her eyes tighter. this was the only plan she had. if this didn't work, she didn't know what else she would do. she would probably go back home and pray that taehyung would find something. 

but she didn't want to depend on another person's actions when it came to the person she loved.

especially if it was her fault.

she heard the pd sigh. 

"i could fix this. but i'm not a very good person, ms. nam." ji eun could hear the smirk in his voice.

"i'll do anything." ji eun said, standing straight and feeling her voice waver.

you're strong, she reminded herself in her head.

"fixing this takes a lot of energy out of me, now that i'm at this age. but i can turn things back." he said.


"but there's a condition." he said, pointing to her. 

"what is it?" ji eun said, feeling her palms sweat.

bang si hyuk looked her straight in the eyes and smirked.

"all of jungkook's memories of you will be erased."

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