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"wanna walk around?" jungkook said, taking her hand and intertwining their fingers as they walked out of the jajangmyeon restaurant.

"sure," ji eun said, walking slower to walk next to him. "but what if we're seen?" she asked.

"don't worry about it, we won't be. trust me." he smiled, holding her hand tighter.

"i can't help but worry." ji eun pouted. he pat the top of her head, calling her a cutie. "how can i not worry when my boyfriend is famous?"

jungkook's heart started beating faster, and he could feel his cheeks heat up when he heard her address him as her boyfriend.

"worry wart," he laughed, causing her to nudge his arm. "i just want to get to know you better." he said.

but then the environment suddenly felt a lot colder.

ji eun looked around. something felt off. she couldn't point out what it was. maybe it was the wind?

no, it's not. she knew it wasn't the area they were walking around in.

something wasn't right. something was off.

"hey, something wrong?" jungkook asked, shaking her out of her thoughts. "you got quiet."

she shook her head and smiled. "nothing's wrong. just a little cold."

jungkook took off his jacket and put it around her shoulders. "here."

"you didn't have to," she said. "now you'll be cold."

"it's a boyfriend's duty." he said, jokingly saluting her.

she laughed. "sure, whatever. at ease, soldier. thank you." she smiled, showing her dimples he never knew she had.

he thought he was going to have a heart attack soon from how cute she looked.

she decided to brush off the odd feeling she felt earlier, and to just enjoy the date.

but she knew she would keep thinking about it. she still felt chills go down her spine and she could feel her hair stand on end.

she put her free hand in the pocket of jungkook's jacket and tried to forget about it.

"wanna play twenty questions?" he suggested.

she nodded.

"i'll start." jungkook cleared his throat, making the game seem a big event. "where were you born?"

"seoul. you?" she asked.

"hey, that's not how the game works. you have to ask your own questions." he pouted. "but i was born in busan. i'll let you ask another question because i'm nice." he smiled.

"fine." she laughed. "what's your favorite color?"

"red. do you have any siblings?"

"no, i'm an only child. what's your favorite thing about being an idol?"

jungkook stopped to think for a second. "probably all the support from the fans. it's kinda cool knowing that a lot of people like you and what you do."

"wow," she said in awe. "i can't even imagine what that would be like." ji eun said.

"it's pretty awesome. imagine thousands of people screaming your name and singing along to your songs." he smiled. she loved the way he looked when he was talking about how much he loved his job. "anyways, when's your birthday?" he asked.

"may 15th, 1997. you?"

jungkook looked at her.

"what?" ji eun asked.

"you're older than me," he said.

"really? when's your birthday?" she asked, trying not to show her happiness from knowing that she was older.

"september 1st, 1997."

"it's only a couple months, jungkook." she laughed at his over exaggeration. "if you want to call me noona, i'm okay with it." she laughed.

he pouted. "eunnie," he whined, dragging out the last syllable in the nickname.

"kookie," she said, mocking his whiny tone.

"i'm going to ask another question because i'm sad." he said, emphasizing his pout even more.

she laughed and held his hand tighter. "okay, go ahead."

"what are you doing tomorrow?" he asked.

"i have classes until five." she said. "why, do you want another date?" she laughed.

"yeah. i don't know if i can function for a whole day without seeing you at least once." he admitted.

ji eun blushed. "we could hang out at my place. it's nothing much, but we could watch a movie."

"sounds like a plan." he said.

"i have a question." she said, taking a deep breath before asking. "what do you like so much about me? i'm kind of just... normal." ji eun whispered.

jungkook looked at her. could she really not see how beautiful she was? did she not know how caring and sweet she was?

"there's a lot of things i like about you. i like your eyes, your nose, your lips, your cheeks, your hair. i like the way you make coffee, i like the way your dimples show when you laugh. i like how your cheeks get red when you're nervous. i like how you worry about others before yourself. i like how you treat me like a normal person even though i'm an idol." he smiled and stopped walking to look at her. "i just like everything about you."

she blushed as he poked her cheeks. "i like how you're so cute."

"i don't know what to say," she giggled.

he shook his head. "you don't have to say anything. come on, it's late. i'll walk you home."



"do you want to come in?" ji eun asked as the both of them stood by her front door.

"it's fine. i think i need to head back to the dorm. the members might be worried." he declined.

she proceeded to take off his jacket, until he told her keep it.

"keep it so you'll have something to remind you of me when i can't be here." he laughed. "was that too cheesy? sorry." jungkook said, scratching the back of his neck.

"it was cute," she laughed. "thanks for an amazing night, jungkook." she said.

"yeah. i had fun." he smiled. "i have another question, though."

her eyebrows rose, telling him to continue.

"can i get a goodnight kiss?" he asked.

ji eun's eyes widened, but she nodded anyways. "o-okay."

jungkook took a step closer to her and she closed her eyes. her heart was beating rapidly. she was worried he could hear it.

he noticed how long her eyelashes were at that moment. he leaned closer to ji eun, but chickened out last minute and kissed her cheek instead.

ji eun's eyes fluttered open. "goodnight, eunnie." he said right before he ran away.

she stood on her front porch with her hand on her cheek. she laughed and turned to open the door to her apartment.

"goodnight, jungkookie."

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