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"i didn't know you liked jajangmyeon," jungkook said, slurping his own bowl.

"i used to eat it all the time with my parents." ji eun said, putting down her chopsticks and taking a drink of water. "but it's been a really long time since then. i haven't had this since i was five."

"really?" jungkook asked in shock. "i came here last week!"

she laughed.

"where are your parents now? do they live in this city?" jungkook asked.

"no, they have a business affair in the states." she said.

"oh. do you miss them?" he asked.

ji eun looked down. "yeah."

jungkook reached his hand over the table to hold hers. "i'm sorry for asking. let's not talk about this anymore."

ji eun shook her head. "it's okay."


"y'know," jungkook started. "this is my first date."

ji eun was surprised. someone as attractive and funny as him had never been on a date before?

"really?" she asked.

he nodded. "yeah, really. do you find that hard to believe?"

she nodded.

"well, i'm not the same person on and off camera." he scratched the back of his neck. "and i was too busy being a trainee to have time for dating."

ji eun pursed her lips. "being an idol must be tough." she said.

"yeah, but it's okay. the members are like my second family." he smiled. "i can't imagine life without them."

"if it makes you feel better," ji eun said. "this is my first date too."

it was jungkook's turn to be shocked.

"my parents always wanted me to focus on my studies. i never really had time for friends or for dating. i had to get top marks on everything." she admitted.

"geez, that sounds tougher than being an idol."

she laughed. "maybe we have differing opinions. being an idol is harder in my eyes. i can't sing or dance very well." she said, giggling as she fiddled with her fingers.

"i'd like to see that one day." he teased.

ji eun looked down. "sorry, not gonna happen." she noticed his bowl. "are you done? i'll pay--"

"no, you can't pay. i already did." he smiled, showing his bunny teeth.

"what? when?" she questioned.

"i have connections with this place." he said, proudly.

she scoffed. "jeon jungkook, i never knew you were this shady."

jungkook put his elbows on the table and crossed his arms. "there's a lot you don't know about me, babe. but you'll have to find out." he winked, but soon sighed and covered his face with his hands. "was that smooth enough for you? sorry. i wanted to look cool."

ji eun laughed wholeheartedly as he blushed and apologized for acting embarrassingly.

man, was she happy that someone like him was hers.

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