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ji eun hadn't felt this feeling in a while, but it wasn't foreign.

the last time she had felt it very strongly was with jungkook on their first date, but she had been feeling subtle flickers of it ever since they had began dating.

she had initially brushed it off, assuming that she was just cold. convincing herself that she was just cold.

but as soon as she made eye contact with this man in front of her, the hair on the back of her neck stood on end, goosebumps erupted all over her arms, and the familiar feeling of shivers going down her back felt as if it were going in double time.

"your order will be done very soon, sir." she said, trying her best not to stutter.

"thank you," he said, giving her a sideways glance before taking the receipt and walking away.

she put her hand on her forehead and closed her eyes.

she didn't like this feeling. not even one bit.


a/n: sorry for not updating, i was feeling under the weather and i couldn't move :( but i'm better now, and ready to churn out more chapters!

and also if you'd please comment and vote on this story and let me know that you're enjoying it, i'd really appreciate it <3 thanks!

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