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ji eun was in a flower meadow.

she was wearing a yellow sundress with a brown floppy hat resting on her head.

she looked around and took in the sight of all the flowers before her.

inhale, exhale.


she turned around to see jungkook running towards her, carnations in his hand.

she smiled a toothy smile and waved, opening her mouth to say his name back.


he ran in front of her and held out the flowers. "i picked these for you! i know they're your favorite."

she laughed and reached out to touch them.

"thank yo--"

she watched as the flowers wilted as soon as her fingers made contact with it.

her eyes widened. "w-what..." ji eun looked jungkook in the eyes. "jungkookie, i-i'm sorry--"

"i worked so hard to pick these," he said, throwing them to the side. she watched as the rest of the meadow began to wilt and die. "i worked so hard, but now it's all gone." he took a step closer to her. "all my hard work is gone. because of you."

she took a step back, her hat flying away in the process and landing in the field of dead flowers. "k-kookie, i don't know w-what happened! really!"

her whole body froze. it felt as if someone were controlling her. she couldn't move no matter how hard she tried.

she watched as jungkook leaned down next to her ear and whispered,

"i don't need you."

suddenly, they were at a cliff, and she was standing at the very end, her heels off the edge. jungkook pushed her, and she felt herself falling backwards.

she reached her arms out to jungkook, pleading him to save her as she fell, watching him get smaller and smaller.

suddenly, he disappeared, along with her surroundings.

everything turned white.

ji eun suddenly knew what was happening.

her back hit the floor harshly as she bit back a curse and tears.

"are you really strong enough to fix this, or are you just fooling yourself?"

she jumped up from the floor, ignoring the pain in her spine, and faced the person in front of her.

she opened her mouth to shout at him, but no words came out. it was as if her voice was gone.

suddenly, there was a bright flash, and she felt cold again.


ji eun woke up, drenched in sweat and tears sliding down her face.

she quickly wiped her tears away with her sleeve and looked at the clock.


ji eun knew she had to do something about this. she knew that she, and especially jungkook, couldn't sit here in agony as she waited for taehyung to find a solution.

she opened her bedroom door, careful not to wake up jungkook who was sleeping on her bed.

she walked closer to him, watching his sleeping face. she smiled to herself and moved some hair out of his face as he slept. she kissed him on his forehead.

"i'll save you," she whispered against his skin, knowing that he was a deep sleeper.

she let her gaze linger on his face for a little longer before she changed into a hoodie and skinny jeans. she grabbed her phone that was charging by her nightstand, letting her gaze linger to his wallet that was next to it. she opened it and took out the card that granted her access into the building and stuffed it in her pocket.

she turned to leave the room, but stopped. she turned around and gave jungkook another long, loving gaze before grabbing her keys, pulling her hoodie over her head, and leaving the house.

she knew exactly where to go and how to get there.


her feet brought her in front of a building she was once so scared to enter.

now, she wasn't scared one bit. she was only determined.

she assured herself that she was strong.

that she would be the one to fix this because this was her fault.

that all of this would bring back jungkook's happiness.

she stuffed her hands deeper into her pockets and gathered up up every ounce of strength she had.

ji eun looked up at the building and took a deep breath before walking towards the door.

Big Hit Entertainment


a/n: it would be great if you guys could comment and vote! being at almost 100 views but having no votes or comments makes me a little sad ;-;

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