Chapter VII: Confused Savior's Tales (Part II)

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They both fell into unconscious on the wet and mossy floor in that dark cavern.

As time passed, for the Fates to know who would be the one to be awakened, and the dead. Artemis slowly opened her eyes.

She felt as if her bones had been cracked, her head had hit a rock that she started to see stars dancing around. Slowly, little by little, everything came flooding back to her. Artemis stared down at the lifeless body of who supposed to be her half-brother. Lucky, his features still remained the same or else she would be now sitting on a pancake Perseus.

His eyes were closed. A line of dried red blood ran down from the edge of his mouth. The situation and position of her on him seemed unacceptable, but she didn't mind that for now. All she cared now was his survival.

Her hands shook as she gently set her palm on his chest, feeling no beat, she began to panic. What would Leo do when she came back with a dead Perseus? She knew she didn't physical kill him, but she was the cause of his death. Not only that, would Leo ever forgive her. Artemis didn't want her mother to say 'I never want to see you again.'

Then she heard something. It was gentle and quite, but with her sharp ears, of course she would've heard it better than human. Slowly she leaned closer to his nose and turn her ear on it. To her delight and surprise, the sensation of hot and weak air made her shiver from him.

She leaned back and grinned. Perseus was still alive, which mean she wouldn't get into any trouble at home. But soon she realised that he was dying. She had to do something quick.

"Perseus, open your eyes Perseus!" She slapped his cheek, shook his head to get his eyes open. Again and again, it still shut close.

She started to look around, trying to find some herbs that could help. The cave was pretty dark by now. The sun hadn't gone down yet, but the gems had already stopped glowing and the lake didn't glitter any longer. It seemed so quite and spooky.

She anxiously got off his side and walked around the cave. There must be something to make nectar or ambrosia in here. She knew that was gods food and only grow on Olympus, but this island was considered not to be normal also.

She tried to catch the smell, but nothing seemed to catch her attention. Then, when she glanced at the water source of the stream, a strange purple herd like moss flourished between the cracks. It looked just like ambrosia and immediately Artemis rushed to it. She picked as much as she could and ran back to where Perseus was laying.

As she was running, a grin appeared on her face. She was so delightful and something suddenly crashed down and she came to a stop.

The creature she had fought in the lake somehow had crawled up the surface. It was sniffing at Perseus shoes and Artemis just had time to shoved the herds in her pocket and summoned the bow. The hellhound sensed danger as it bared its fangs and growled at her. It leaned backwards, ready to attack.

Artemis gave it a stern look as she pulled the string. It might've defeated her under that water, but now, she would send it to Tartarus in any moment.

Right when the fight was about to explode, a sudden groan came out and froze everything. She stared back at Perseus and surprisingly the creature glanced at him in happiness. It surprised her even more when hellhound came nudging at his side and licked his hand.
It then looked up to her with that red eyes as telling her to do something. Artemis didn't understand when did she come to cooperate with beasts, but she did listen to it anyway.

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